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I didn't have time for my mothers bullshit she was currently blowing up my phone talking about my credit card bill. Alright I did spend a lot on Parker's shit, but it's not like she doesn't blow money on stupid stuff either. I didn't have time for Parker the last thing I wanted to do was take my anger out on him so I left school completely.

A associate of mine I had keeping and eye on Parker while I was gone said he moped around all day. I just knew he was somewhere walking around letting his hair down. I decided to let him be knowing he'll be alright. I called up a few guys from a party I recently been to and told them to drop by. We drove around in a car getting high. That is until Parker started blowing up my phone. I rolled my eyes annoyed,"This kid is like my fucking mom!" I yelled.

"Yo who's blowing up your phone Ells" Zed said curiously he was high as fuck. "Just my new boyfriend" I laughed just thinking about it. "Damn who cuffed that fine piece of ass of yours," he smirked at me with watery red eyes. "Don't worry about it" I smiled at him. All of a sudden Zed looked real yummy. I leaned over and kissed him we got real deep until his hand wandered a little to down south. I broke away gasping for air he smiled looking dazed. I felt somewhat guilty, but I could only laugh my ass off at the moment. I rolled another joint then everything floated away.

Zed dropped me off as I got out the car I saw Parker sitting on the front steps. He rose to his feet when he saw me get out then narrowed his eyes at the car behind me. "Catch you later Ells" Zed yelled before speeding off down the road. Parker looked angry and maybe worried I was still too high to tell or care. I walked passed him avoiding his intense gaze of hurt and confusion. He stopped me,"What's going on?" I hated the way his voice cracked and the hurt it held. It didn't help me feeling guilty about the situation. Especially when he stared at me with those brown eyes fuck!

"Who was that guy Elliot? Why do you smell like weed ! And why are you ignoring me and my texts, calls-" I cut him off "Shut the fuck up Vince!" I didn't wanna do this with him now. This is the entire reason why I was avoiding him. He gulped stepping back from me I sighed,"Look don't go crying on me like a bitch." Fuck that came out wrong I pinched the bridge of my nose trying to get myself together,"Listen I'll talk to you later. Right now isn't a good time." I explained. He nodded but I could still see the hurt on his face. I felt like a bitch for pushing him off like this. I left him standing there going inside.

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