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"How was your date with Elliot?" My mother said curiously as she wiped down the kitchen counters. I opened the fridge taking out the milk. "It wasn't a date, it was more of a hang" A date that most definetly wasn't a date last night. "Alright, how was your hang", She didn't hide her excitement about me having my first girlfriend. I know a senior in high school and never had a girlfriend before pathetic.

"It was great! we ate, talked, I helped her with her homework" I shrugged taking a glass out of the cabinet. There was really nothing to it other than that. She wiped her hands on her apron smiling at me,"I think she's a lovely girl, and she slowly changing you for the better." Elliot changing me I wouldn't give her all the credit.

I do appreciate my new look,"Yeah mother, she's great." Thank god she didn't know the side of Elliot everyone else knew. "I want to meet her parents! I think we all should sit down, and have dinner it would be lovely to meet them" she beamed. I wasn't so sure about the idea of inviting Elliot and her parents over for dinner. Elliot hasn't mentioned her parents to me and I'm kind of glad, new people aren't really my thing. I knew sooner or later I would have to meet her parents but I hoped for later. What if I'm not good enough I must be a shrimp compared to the guys she probably brought home before.

"Parker is everything okay" I heard my mother's soft voice call to me. I didn't realize I had zoned out for so long. Even if I didn't she would certainly catch on that I was out of it. "Yeah mom, I'm fine just thinking about some stuff." She placed her hand on my forehead,"Are you sure your feeling well? You look kind of pale all of a sudden." I rubbed a hand over my face trying to recover,"Yeah I- I'm just kind of tired from studying." She nodded I could still see the worry in her eyes,"Really I'm fine mom." I reassured her "I think its a great idea inviting Elliot and her parents over for dinner."

I texted Elliot about my mother's plans of course, I didn't receive a text back. I decided to call her but still got no answer. Sooner or later she would reply so I decided to go for a walk. Grabbing my black hoodie I put it on walking downstairs. The park was only a block away so it wouldn't take long to get there.

Everything was so relaxing I watched as a owner ran after his dog and a group of people played frisbee. The frisbee flew in my direction. A girl from the group ran over to retrieve it. I grabbed it handing it back to her,"Here's your frisbee." She smiled,"Thanks."

We sat there for awhile she just stared at me blushing. I've never had that affect on a girl before. "You could join my friends and I if you want" she smiled. "Uh I don't wanna intrude" was the best excuse I could come up with at the moment.

"Trust me your not! just come on I promise we'll take it easy on you" she teased. I took her up on her offer joining her and her friends for a game of frisbee.

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