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I stood up on the bar "W- where's tha drinks", I yelled over the music. Parker grabbed me by my waist "That's enough drinks for you sweet heart", I pouted as he took the cup away from me placing me on the floor.

"No I- I wasn't don wit tha", I hiccuped he put the cup down. Neal wobbled over to us a even drunker brunette hanging off his shoulder giggling. "Hey uh gus", he slurred trying to keep himself standing.

"You guys are drunk look I'm taking you home", Parker said shaking his head.

"No jus we got here" I protested pulling away from him.

"Shush now let's go", he said reaching for my hand. Neal laughed,"Ha haaa you're lam you to hav leaves."

I glared at him and his lips clamped shut "I'm n- no leav" I pried Parker's hands off of me swaying trying to keep my balance. He held my waist steadying me,"You can't even walk we're leaving, I'll be back for you Neal."

Neal laughed before sucking on the brunette's face. "Shit ! No I c- can't no yvet" I pleaded. Parker moved me through the crowd. "No I- I don wanna go" I whined.

I was completely disoriented trying to stop Parker from reaching the door "One mor drin" I groaned leaning all my weight against him slowing us down.

"No Elliot you passed your limit an hour ago" he said sternly.

We made it outside the air much cooler than the hot overcrowded club. "Shit it's col ass fuck" I hugged my bare arms. Parker wrapped his jacket around me grabbing my hand leading me towards the car.

I stumbled in my black heels tugging at my dress "Shit I- I hav to g- get ou of this" I got into the car struggling to take off the dress. "Fuck" I said in frustration pulling at the skimpy black fabric.

Parker got in the car "Elliot what are you doing" he stared at me in shock. I shimmied out of the dress "I'm hot ! don look ah me." He turned his head away "I can't take you home in your panties and bra." I wrapped myself in his jacket "Don" my head felt heavy and I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

I woke up feeling like shit I grabbed my phone wincing at the bright light of the screen. It was five o'clock in the morning. I looked down at my body I had on a pair of Parkers gym shorts and his shirt. He looked exhausted I felt kind of bad getting sloppy drunk after graduation.

I moved some of his curls out of his face kissing his forehead. He still was dressed car keys still in his hand no doubt he went back and got Neal. I reached over grabbing the glass of water and two pills off the night stand he left for me.

After taking the pills I got up taking off Parkers shoes setting his keys on the dresser. Climbing next to him he rolled over pulling my body closer to his. I relaxed in his arms feeling way better than before.

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