|Sneak Out|

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Drowning in homework I closed my text book exhausted. Maintaining my grades was a full time job. You don't become Valedictorian sitting on your butt and sleeping in class. Senior year in high school is always a crucial year. "Parker come down here for a moment" I heard my mother yell from down stairs.

"Coming" I called back. I walked into the living room. I saw my mother and Elliot standing in the living room talking. "Honey you never told me how beautiful and sweet your girlfriend Elliot is", she smiled. I just nodded,"Uh yeah she's great." Elliot blushed smiling at my mother's compliment.

They talked and chatted for awhile my mother showed Elliot some of my most embarrassing baby pictures. I went up stairs not want to witness the mockery. My mother absolutely adores Elliot and not because she's the first girl I've ever brought home that claims me as her boyfriend and not her lab partner.

Elliot walked through the door I ignored her as she took a seat at my desk. "Your moms a total sweet heart and you were so cute when you were a baby oh my gosh" she laughed. I would have smiled at her cute girly laugh but I was still upset with her. She turned around flipping through my notes and the homework that I'd completed earlier. "College Calculus huh?" She mumbled. I watched as she scribbled on my paper,"What are you doing" I said finally. "Correcting your errors calm down" I stood up peering over her shoulder. She laughed,"I'm kidding you didn't make any. Your extremely smart Vince." I relaxed going back to my spot on the bed,"So why are you here?"

"For our movie date duhh" she started spinning in the chair. "What do you mean I sold the tickets because you beat up my date!" She sighed,"Yeah I'm not sorry about that" she shrugged still spinning in the chair. "But I am sorry that my mom took my phone, car keys and everything things else I own that brings me joys" she pouted. "Wait how did you get here" I asked. "I walked but it's no big deal anything to get out the house."

"That's like halfway acros-" cutting me off "I know now please drop it!" I was quiet she sighed,"You can speak Vince" Just once I'd like for her to not yell at me. I was still confused as to why she chose my house to come to. I'm sure she has so many other friends to visit.

"I rarely apologize but I'm sorry for beating up your date and slapping you" she mumbled. I smiled,"I accept your apology but-" she cut me off again. "There shouldn't be any buts I apologized Vince!" I stood up towering over her,"Your gonna listen and speak when I am finished talking got it Reed!" I demanded. She nodded biting her lip turning away from me.

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