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It looked like the paparazzi was on my front lawn but it was just a mix of Elliot and I's family seeing us off to prom. "Wait one more!" My mother whipped out her phone. I smiled brightly for the camera my hand on Elliot's waist.

Elliot wasn't too happy that her father couldn't make it to see her off to prom. The all black shiny limo pulled up on the curb "It's time!" My mother shouted. We waved to the crowd as the limo drove off down the road. I couldn't wait to see how the school decorated the ball room. They usually rented out a huge ballroom down town for the night. The decorations were always amazingly done by the students.

Elliot was being awfully quiet tonight. I gave her hand a small squeeze "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah" she smiled.

"It's not bothering you is it?" I could tell it was I just wanted to hear confess.

"No it's not" I nodded still her holding her hand in mine.

"Elliot" she turned to face me I kissed her softly on her cheek "You look beautiful." Her eyes were closed she took a deep breath "Thank you."

The limo came to a stop the driver got out walking to the other side. I saw a bunch of people standing outside the entrance behind red velvet ropes. I turned to Elliot "Shall we."

"We shall" she smiled grabbing my hand as I lead her out the limo. We both stopped at the door posing for the photographer. I took that opportunity to steal a few more glances at Elliot.

She looked absolutely stunning in her gown tonight. The top was strapless a violet purple covered in shiny silver sparkles. While the bottom flared out at a dark silky midnight blue.

The silk of the dress hugged her curvy hips and backside. I wouldn't be surprised if a blind man stopped to stare. Elliot hands down looked the finest in the building. I could hear the music already bumping and we hadn't even fully walked through the lobby.

"Elliot ! Oh my fucking gosh" I turned to see where all the squealing was coming from.

"You look so damn sexy" A girl ran up to us in a dark red dress with blonde highlights pinned in a bun.

Elliot pulled her into a embrace and I watched as the girls ogled at each other dressed. I took the time to notice that she also had a camera around her neck.

"You guys so far look the best ! Tonight these bitches was not slaying" I guess she has no filter.

Elliot shooed the girl off returning back to my side. "Miranda's crazy as hell" I nodded agreeing with her completely.

She stood almost eye level in her six inch silver sparkly heels. I looked down at our intertwined fingers the white corsage I gave her still on her wrist. "We need to get inside before I decide to take you to the hotel and slowly undress you instead" I whispered in her ear.

Elliot blushed looping her arm with mine. We entered the ballroom the lights were dimmed and people were already on the dance floor. Immediately Elliot and I was rushed by group of people. Everyone wanted a picture and in the chaos her hand fell from mine.

I wondered over to the tables lined along the left wall with catering and chef's ready to help with anything you needed. The place looked amazing little lights hung from the ceiling and center pieces on each table were beautiful.

Neal and the guys walked over,"Parker you clean up nice"

"Thanks guys" I took in each of their appearances Neal wore a grey tux. Kevin a red and silver tux with a matching bow tie. I grabbed a cup of sparking cider taking the entire scene in.

"I saw Elliot! Dude she looked like a total babe" Neal grinned nodding in her direction over by the door.

"Yeah I'd totally tap that if she wasn't so fucking scary, and you wasn't hitting that" Kevin said bobbing his head to the music.

"Only in your dreams you asses" I laughed. "And Neal where's Heidi didn't you ask her to prom!"

"Wait didn't you ask her because Christina turned you down" he turned beat red in the face storming off. Kevin and I laughed until Elliot came and he excused himself for us to be alone.

Go check out my new book 'What's Mine' please and thank you !

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