|Anniversary II|

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The girl stared at Elliot and I her arms crossed across her chest an amused glint in her eyes. "So you're the amazing Parker who casted a love spell on Elliot here" she smirked.

Elliot rolled her eyes "This is Voni my annoying, but super annoying best friend. Voni this is my amazing boyfriend Parker Vince" I chuckled extending my arm to shake her hand. "Pleasure meeting you Voni", She pulled me into a hug.

"No need to be formal handsome! I'm a hugger", she laughed. I pulled away when the hug got a little too long. "So you kids going out huh?", Voni said smiling at Elliot.

"Yes", she muttered not returning her smile. Elliot was clearly bothered by Voni's presence. "We should go before we miss our reservations", I pulled Elliot towards the door.

We got into the car buckling up,"Your best friend Voni she's something." She sighed,"Yeah she's something." I smiled admiring Elliot's legs in that dress. Then my thoughts lead to something else. I couldn't stay a gentlemen for long if she kept tempting me like this.

I leaned over kissing her softly on the lips,"You look amazing baby girl." She smiled against my lips pulling me a little closer. "I'm just going to put as much space between us as possible" she mumbled.

We arrived and were seated in the back of the dimly lit restaurant. I scanned the menu but somehow my gaze set on Elliot every time. "These two months have been amazing! Vince", she reached for both my hands gazing into my eyes. I have to admit ever since I've met Elliot everything has been so surreal.

"I could say the same and more", she chuckled squeezing my hand. "I got you something you're going to love it and I'll be the best girlfriend ever" she smiled rummaging through her purse.

She pulled out a box that was wrapped perfectly in blue Christmas paper. I laughed,"Nice wrapping paper." She shrugged still keeping that glorious smile of hers. I opened it,"No freaking way Elliot you got me a Apple Watch ! I've been wanting one of these since they came out."

"I know it's a bit much, but I knew how much you wanted it", I got up pulling her into a tight hug. "Gosh you're amazing Elliot this must've cost you a fortune" her sweet perfume filled my nose and I was high on everything her.

"Don't mention it", She pecked my lips. We talked and I couldn't stop myself from daydreaming about our future together. We walked back to the car after dinner holding hands her hair flying through the wind. "Let me drive! I wanna take you somewhere", I tossed her the keys.

We drove uphill for awhile "Where are we going" I had no idea where we were going but this night has been amazing. "Just wait and see we're almost there" she glanced over at me. We stop at a hill she pulled out a blanket and we sat there watching the stars. I pointed out all the constellations for her.

"What's that one" she said pointing into the sky. "That's Orion's Belt", I couldn't imagine a more perfect anniversary. "You wanna see my favorite star" she nodded. I sat up gazing into her brown eyes and those thick eyelashes.

"You're my favorite star Elliot" she blushed biting her lip looking away. "How did I get so lucky" she whispered. I kissed her speechless until we're both on our backs gasping for air.

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