
2.4K 147 6

I have reached 2k and I owe it all to you guys ! Thank you so much for voting and commenting ! It means so much to me. Here's a new update dedicated to all my readers  !


After the intense frisbee match we all walked down to the ice cream truck parked in the parking lot. Turns out the girl name is Genevieve. She's a pretty petite brunette with shoulder length hair and rosy cheeks. Her and her friends are really cool people.

They invited me to go with them to this poetry slam later. Of course I said yes before remembering I had plans with Elliot. I'm sure she didn't mind if I cancelled just this once. I gave her a call she seemed to take it well, other than her getting annoyed and hanging up in my face.

I didn't take it to hard and I don't think Elliot did either. I went home and got ready before Genevieve and the gang came to pick me up. She was a really cool girl and we actually had a lot in common. She was a nice and so were her friends.

We took our seats as the lights dimmed and the host came up onstage and introduced the next poet. So far I was really enjoying myself and so was everyone else. Genevieve sat next to me and so did a guy name Kevin one of her close friends from the group.

A woman got up there on the mic her metaphors and word play earning a few hoots and hollers from the crowd. The small crowd of about twenty people in the bar snapped their fingers when she exited the stage. I did the same I couldn't wait to tell Elliot about the poetry slam.

The night was coming to a close and we hung out and ate for awhile. "So, Parker do you have a girlfriend you seem like such a sweet guy!" Genevieve asked. "Yeah I do actually" I could see the shimmer in her eyes change. Even though she still kept her warm cheerful smile. "Great she's a lucky girl" was all she said on that topic.

Everything drifted over to sports and her friends. I got to know everyone it was really fun. I found it funny how Genevieve kept asking me all these personal questions. It was like she had a crush or me or something. That couldn't be it I've only known her for a day or so.

The night ended and I got dropped off home. I finally got the chance to check my phone. There were no messages I felt kinda of disappointed that Elliot didn't text me. I decided to call her, the phone rang then it stopped. I texted her good night before going to bed knowing I'll see her tomorrow at school.

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