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I've been preparing for this day my entire life and replayed the scene over and over in my head. I've never pictured it with this beautiful amazing girl. Elliot gave me a reassuring smile holding both my hands,"Don't worry you'll do amazing"

"You think so? I'm speaking in front of hundreds of people" I gulped tugging at my collar.

"I know so" she smiled suddenly I felt better.

The crowd was massive full of proud friends, families, students, and peers. It was crazy just months ago Elliot walked up to me declaring I was her boyfriend. Now we were both walking hand and hand across stage. Just this morning I washed my last pair of contacts down the drain. I slipped on my glasses feeling complete again. I searched the sea of red cap and gowns for her beautiful face. There she was third row smiling up at me I smiled back.

I began my speech through all the emotions overcoming me,"We're all gathered here today to celebrate this beautiful occasion of the graduating senior class... This journey was no easy journey followed by many loss but also many gains... We've met people that have and will forever impact our lives... It's truly remarkable seeing the progress we've made over the years finally pay off... By starting our lives as young, intelligent men and woman all unique and wonderful in our own ways... We are setting foot stones for others to follow in our paths... To the graduating class celebrate your life, love and happiness for forever."

The crowd erupted into a uproar and the entire auditorium stood to its feet. I caught a glance of my mother in the crowd tears streaming down her face. I looked to the heavens and whispered a thank you to my father who was watching above. He'd be so proud of the man Ive become.

Diplomas and names were called and passed out. A thousand pictures were taken after the ceremony and I finally caught Elliot afterwards . She leaped into my arms and kissed me as I lifted her off her feet. "You Parker was beyond amazing I can't even form words that would justify how beautiful your speech was."

I smiled "It was from the heart" I pressed my lips against hers as she melted in my arms. I heard pictures snapping. I couldn't believe that Neal was taking pictures of us the entire time. Elliot blushed biting her lip I smiled for the camera.

"You guys are such a adorable couple" Neal cooed. I rolled my eyes,"Yeah, get out of here." He ran off snapping random pictures of students with their parents and friends.

"So it's official we graduated" I nodded never would I have thought I'd be standing here next to the girl of my dreams.

"And by the way Parker I love your glasses" I leaned down pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Let's go", my mother wanted a pictures of all of us together.

We took pictures with friends and family members, staff members and even strangers. Elliot grabbed my arm,"I think I've taken enough pictures." I kissed her forehead taking out my phone snapping one for my lock screen.

"Now we're done" I smile.

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