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I got up early morning walking into the bathroom. These contacts itched like hell the doctor said it'll take a few days for my eyes to adjust to them. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was cut into a sporty spiky look at the top. This new cut made me look more like a man than my usual scruffy boyish cut that I had since ninth grade.

After getting out the shower I searched everywhere for my phone, and to think about I had no clue where my wallet was either. I put on one of the shirts and a pair or jeans Elliot had picked out grabbing my back pack. "Parker do you want anything to eat before you go", my mother called from the kitchen.

"No thanks", I grabbed my keys walking out the door getting in the car. Elliot car was parked beside mine strange cause she's never at school early. I got out walking towards the library,"Ayo Vince looking for someone!" I turned around at the sound of that familiar voice.

Elliot smirked walking over to me she wore a grey sweatshirt, blue washed jeans, and black boots her hair straightened in a pony tail. Looping her arm with mine we walked through the empty halls. "You're here early why is that?" I said suspiciously.

"I know ugh, I hate mornings" she grumbled. I couldn't help but smile she was so adorable then I came to my senses. "You stole my phone and wallet" I narrowed my eyes at her. She rolled her eyes pulling my wallet out of her back pocket,"Took you long enough to notice." Opening it I prayed she didn't use my frozen yogurt ticket.

"And you used my frozen yogurt ticket" I frowned. "It was too tempting" she smiled innocently up at me. I stuffed my wallet in my back pocket,"Phone" I demanded. She sighed handing me my phone,"Thank you" I muttered.

Swiping through the screen I had at least a hundred new pictures all of Elliot. I glanced up at her as she watched me,"You took pictures in my phone." She nodded,"I'm running out of storage on mine so I used yours." I really should put a password on my phone.

Principal Taylor walked by in a black&white suit wearing a wide grin the guy loves mornings. He greeted us,"Ms. Reed and woah Mr. Vince I like the new look" he smiled. Elliot spoke before me,"Thank you Principal Taylor." He looked both shocked and happy I guess that's a good thing.

Twenty minutes later the halls flooded with students and I never felt more self conscious. Everyone stared at me either in shock or pure lust. A bunch of girls ran up to me when Elliot wasn't around asking what made me change my appearance. Of course I had no reply I just would shrug then walked away as fast I could. My teachers seemed to appreciate my change and I was slowly adjusting to the stares. The new me gave me a huge confidence boost and I had Elliot to thank for it.

Constantly getting hit on by girls was most definitely new and so were the threats by their boyfriends. I spotted Elliot standing by my locker on her phone. She didn't look up as I approached her she had a troubled look on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked. She still didn't look at me,"Elliot?" Turning off her phone she walked away ignoring me completely.

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