|Dinner II|

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I sighed in relief as everyone moved towards the kitchen. We sat down and prayed then dug into the amazing pasta Elliot's mother made. Elliot leaned towards me in her chair "You look sexy Vince." I gulped as her hand skid up my arm. She laughed "I'm kidding relax ."

Her father stared at me from across the table. "Parker dear tell me about yourself" her mother said smiling. I cleared my throat "Well I'm very dedicated to my studies being that I'm valedictorian of our class."

Elliot snorted "Woah, I had no idea another fine detail Elliot failed to mention about you" she gave her daughter a look. "I think you're just the good influence Elliot needs in her life" her father said.

"Mother, Father what are you both implying" Elliot said through gritted teeth. I put my hand on hers underneath the table. "Elliot's a lovely girl Nora and Eli. I think she's changed my son for the better."

Her father cleared his throat "That may be but Elliot has a long record of-" I had no idea where this was going. "Please! Elliot has improved in her studies ever since she's met Parker" her mother said in defense.

After dinner we sat in the living area and chatted for awhile. Elliot and I left the adults and went into the garage. "Tonight wasn't a total disaster" she sighed. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her "Your parents are wonderful and you look beautiful tonight. Thanks for inviting me."

"Anytime Vince" she smiled. Her eyes darted between my lips and somewhere else. This wasn't the time to panic I wanted to kiss her, but not with her dad only feet away and could possibly kill me.

She leaned over slightly on her tippy toes. Her lips brushed over mine so soft just as I imagined maybe even softer. It was gentle and sweet like a first kiss should be. She pulled away first, leaving me with jitters. "Your lips taste just as yummy as I thought Vince" for the first time Elliot blushed.

"You've thought about kissing me?" I smirked. She rolled eyes "And much more babe" Her lips brushed mine leaving me wanting more of her. I groaned "Must you always tease me Elliot."

"It's fun to tease you Vinc-" This time I leaned down kissing her before she could finish her sentence. Each touch of our lips better than the last. God if I wasn't such a gentleman the things I'll do to those plump soft lips of hers.

The door opened we broke apart putting as much space between us as possible. I turned a bright red and so did Elliot. I avoided the deadly gaze her father was sending my way. Not a good way to make a first impression. Getting caught kissing in the garage but I couldn't help it I liked the thrill of it.

"Your mother told me to come find you two. I seem to have interrupted something" he crossed his arms across his large chest.

"Um" was all Elliot manage to say. "We were just talking sir...sorry to be away for so long" I said quickly. He raised a eyebrow at the both of us "Alright then let's go" he walked down the hall. I shot Elliot a smirk and we walked out the garage back into the house.

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