|Night Out|

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Parker and I have been on good terms lately. He now encourages me to do better with my grades. "You have to bring up this 75 in calculus Elliot" he said staring at the computer screen. I mimicked him catching the plastic ball I was tossing in the air,"You have to bring up this 75 in blah blah." He glared at me,"If you don't need my help then I'll leave." He stood up from his seat walking towards the door. "No please I was only kidding" he eyed me sitting back at my desk. I laid back on the bed when I knew for sure he was going to stay,"I really hate math babe so that 75 isn't going anywhere." I said tossing the plastic basketball ball back up in the air. He grabbed the ball in midair gaining my attention,"You have to take this seriously, it's our senior year Elliot!"

"Not everyone's a nerd like you babe" I teased. He rolled his eyes looking back at the screen,"That's because I value my future." I listened to him drone on and on about numbers and expressions. After an hour I decided to ditch the text books. "Hey let's go get some food" I said standing to my feet. "It's only been an hour Elliot you haven't even completed one problem by yourself." I pouted,"But my tummy is hungry." I grabbed my leather jacket out of the closet putting it on. "You coming or what?" He slowly got up grabbing his hoodie. I smiled,"Good nerd."

"Shut up" he mumbled following me down stairs towards the garage. "I thought your mom took your car keys?" I opened the door,"She did but we're not taking the car." I smiled proud of my very own personal collection of souped up motorcycles. "Pick which one you wanna ride kid", he stared nervously at the gleaming two wheel machines. "Do you know how to actually drive one of these things" he asked. I grabbed my helmet from off the shelf and the silver one for him. "Of course I wouldn't let you ride with me if I didn't know how do drive one! Wait have you ever been on a motorcycle before?"

He closed his eyes saying a quiet prayer to himself,"No I haven't and I prefer transportation of the four wheel variety" he gulped. "Don't be such a lame live a little." He shook his head,"We can call a uber! Yes that's better than planning my funeral." I rolled my eyes grabbing the helmet out of his trembling hands placing it on his head. "You'll be fine trust me your not my first passenger." I climbed onto the all black Ducati I got from my grandpa on my seventeenth birthday as a gift.

I couldn't believe it I'd been dreaming of this bike since I was in the sixth grade. Grandpa and I talked about it everyday for years. Never in my mind would I thought he'd actually get me the bike. "Vince come on I don't have all day" I groaned. He sighed putting his leg over the bike behind me. I opened the garage. He placed his hands on my waist. I rolled my eyes right when we started moving his hold on me tightened. I laughed,"Are you ready." I could tell he was praying again by his silence. I backed out of the driveway slowly not wanting to scare the living shit out of Parker.

We hit the road Parker arms tightened around my waist as we picked up speed the wind blowing pass us. I love the thrill of riding at night through the empty streets. Parker made it fun maybe it was his fear but I enjoyed every bit of it. It's only nine and Parker claims its pass his bed time fucking nerds. I didn't want anything from McDonald's blah. I was in the mood for Chinese. When we finally stopped and Parker got the chance to catch his breath. "That was amazing" he huffed running his fingers through his hair.

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