|Lace Panties|

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Elliot and I walked through the mall hand in hand, she had a slight bounce in her step. "Someone's extremely happy today", I smiled over at her. She fiddled with a loose string on her shirt.

"I'm just so excited for graduation and prom", she bumped my shoulder playfully.

Lately I haven't been myself these feelings are weird. I didn't want to admit it before, but I was falling hard for Elliot. I don't want to feel this way if she doesn't feel the same. It would completely crush me and I don't know if I could ever get over it.

I felt a light tug on my arm,"Hey you okay there, I kind of lost you."

"Yeah, I'm fine", We walked past Victoria secret Elliot flashed me a devilish grin. "Do we have too!" I groaned. She pulled me inside the store full of different types of sexy lingerie and undergarments.

"You like?", she held up a pair of black lace panties in my face. "Yeah I guess", I bit my bottom lip.

"Really Vince?", She pouted.

Elliot ended up buying a bunch of sexy bra's and lace panties. I wasn't too uncomfortable hoping I could see her in a pair one day. I shook my head free of naughty thoughts of Elliot. We left the mall getting into the car.

"I just got a text that my prom dress came in!" She shrieked. I swerved a bit trying to regain control on the car. "Jesus Elliot, don't scream like that" I huffed. She got out the car unlocking the front door we went upstairs to her bedroom.

"You mind?"," I rested my head back on her pillow. My eyes widened when Elliot tossed her shirt over her head. I didn't think she would undress in front of me.

"Holy Christ", I mumbled staring at her beautiful toned upper body and full chest covered by a vibrant green bra. I could feel my face flush,"You like what you see" she smirked.

"Come here", I almost groaned. I didn't and couldn't take my eyes off of her beautiful tempting body. She walked entirely too slow for my liking. I snatched her up in my arms before pinning her on the bed underneath me. Assaulting her neck with hot steamy kisses.

Her fingers trailed up my back before slipping underneath my shirt. "Shit that feels- ", she moaned. I could feel the goose bumps on her skin.


Elliot and I jumped at the loud noise that came from down stairs. "Shit it might be my mom", she leaped up grabbing her shirt off the floor. Opening the door I sat there then came to my senses running after her,"Elliot!"

We both stumbled into the kitchen it was her mother,"Mom what are you doing!" She turned to face us I fixed my shirt and pants so nothing looked too suspicious. "I should ask you two the same thing" she arched an eyebrow up at us.

I could tell she knew we was guilty but we didn't do anything well we were about too. "Why is your shirt on backwards" she nodded towards Elliot. "And your hair a mess" she said to me. I wouldn't dare lie to her so I kept my mouth shut and nudged Elliot.

"Uh we were just getting some things and leaving that's all", she shoved me out the kitchen. I laughed she grabbed a hoodie and ran back downstairs,"Let's take the bikes."

I froze,"Are you serious." She grabbed my hand dragging me into the garage.

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