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Elliot made me so angry first she started ignoring me completely. When I show up at her house worried about her she treats me like dirt. I was hurt no doubt but I hated the idea of her with someone else. I mean what guy wouldn't be mad if he saw his girlfriend getting out of a car with another guy. I was starting to think she's only playing me for a joke.

I bought these tickets to the movies to see the new captain america that was coming out for Elliot and I. Since she wanted to play with my heart I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. A girl from school Savannah to be exact has been asking me out for awhile. She's no Angelina Jolie but she'll do for now. I reframed from giving her answer but now I'll take her up on her offer.

The tickets were for tonight so I planned to ask her at lunch. I dressed and grabbed my backpack arriving at school later than my usual. I spotted Elliot at the corner of my eye she was walking over. I turned the opposite direction walking to class. "Yo Vince where in the hell are you going!" She hollered after me. I wasn't expect that type of response so I kept going ignoring her completely. When I got to class I made my way to my desk. I wasn't expecting her to keep following me. Standing in front of my desk she glared down at me. Fear spiked in my chest but I wouldn't let her know I was scared.

"Didn't you hear me fucking calling you!" She said through gritted teeth. The teacher stood up peering over his glasses at us "Ms. Reed that type of language will not be tolerated in an school environment. I suggest you leave and go to your class before the bell rings." She growled ignoring him,"You think this is a game Vince" I simply shrugged which made her even madder.

"Ms. Reed leave now!" He repeated from behind her. I glanced around at the class everyone had stopped to look waiting to see what would happen next. She hissed then turned on her heels storming out the class room. I sighed when the tension had been released. I didn't know if I could handle another stare down with her. I later asked Savannah at lunch and she happily agreed to accompany me at the movies.

I walked out of class as the bell ring a group of people ran down the hall then more and more. That meant either two things someone was giving out money or there was a fight. I'm pretty sure no one was giving out money so I followed them. Everyone was in a circle screaming and chanting with cells phones up pushing and shoving to see the fight.

I caught a glimpse of who they were my mouth dropped open. Elliot was on top of Savannah punching and scratching as she struggled underneath her. Elliot landed one to her nose and blood gushed on her yellow sundress. I pushed through the crowd trying to get to Elliot. I was shoved and thrown back twice but fought my way through. I grabbed a blood thirsty Elliot around the waist. She thrashed and kicked in my arms. Her hair blocking me from seeing anything other than thick black curls.

"You stupid bitch I'll kill you if you go near him!" She screamed after a crying and bleeding Savannah. Her friends came helping her to her feet. I covered Elliot's fowl mouth and walked her through the crowd. Picking her off her feet and tossing over my shoulder I walked outside. I put her down the first thing she did when she saw me was slap me hard across the face.

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