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"Elliot could you come downstairs for a minute", I paused my conversations with Parker and Voni on FaceTime. Voni and I was just watching Parker play call of duty. We didn't have anything better to do. James was out of town with family and she's been latching on to me ever since he left a week ago.

"Guys, I'll call you back" they both hung up and I trotted downstairs entering the kitchen. "You called mother dearest" she smirked.

"Take a seat, we need to talk" I groaned plopping down on the stool.

"Look if it's about me sneaking Parker in at two in the morning, it's no big deal" her eyes went as wide as saucers.

"You did what-" my lips clasped shut. I've did way worse things.

"You were saying we needed to talk mother" I smiled innocently at her.

She eyes me "Okay I've been thinking this over for awhile and I'm sending you away to live with your father for college. Now I have my reasons which I will go into full detail when your father arrives."

My smile faded she didn't just say what I thought she said. "What are you saying, I just graduated you can't send me away with him", I protested.

"Elliot sweet heart listen-" she pleaded.

"No! I won't listen I told you my plans, Parker and I have plans" I stood up. We were going to attend the same college. Get a apartment together and graduate.

"I know, but I can't-  You're going to attend college down in Florida with your father" I don't know where all this was coming from.

"No your not taking Parker away from me ! You can't do this" I cried.

"I'm sorry, I'm only doing what's best for you. Staying here isn't what I feel is best for you with you right now. Please I'll get into further detail when your father arrives" she sighs.

I screamed out of frustration trying to figure  what I can do to change her mind. "Mom you can't" I begged tears pricking my eyes.

"No!" She shouted "My answer is final" my eyes stung.

"I fucking hate you!" I turned on my heels running upstairs.

"Elliot" she screamed after me I cried tossing clothes into a duffle bag. Grabbing everything I needed I ran out the door jumping into the car.

I drove across town standing on Parkers front porch. He opened the door I ran into his arms crying harder then I've ever cried before. "Elliot, sweet heart calm down" he cooed into my ear rubbing my back.

We went inside upstairs to his bedroom, I laid in his bed burying my face into his pillows. I felt the bed sink in as he sat next to me,"Elliot please talk to me."

I pulled my knees to my chest hiding my face, he climb up the bed hovering over me. "Sweet heart, how am I going to save you if you don't tell me what you're running from" he said softly.

"She's making me leave the state and move to Florida with my father" I said barely audible. He pursed his lips,"Really." I nodded.

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My reads kind of suck at this point but I'll keep going for the loyal readers ! Thank you guys <3

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