
2.4K 145 7

Special update because I just hit the 7k which is so awesome huge thanks to you guys ! A million kisses


A group of girls walked pass me at my locker giggling. "Hi Parker" they all said in sync. "Hey" is all I said before the girls turned red and walked off smiling. I'm still not use to that and don't think I'll ever be. Closing my locker I turned the corner heading towards my sixth period class.

Elliot was in a group standing around not to far down the hall. "Elliot" I called out to her. Her head shot up in my direction she said something to the group before walking away. I met her halfway,"Hey" I smiled. She pursed her lips reaching up to touch my hair,"Ugh we gotta get you another hair cut its been like almost a month."

I frowned "Why the pouty face Vince." she brushed a loose strand of my hair off my forehead. "No greeting or anything just that I need a hair cut." She sighed rolling her eyes walking away,"Where are you going?" I called after her. She stopped mid way walking back up to me.

"Hi baby! I missed you so much where have you been" she said in a high pitch squeaky voice while wearing a fake smile. Getting on her tippy toes she kissed my cheek. When her little show was over she frowned,"Better babe." I smiled knowing exactly how to press her buttons,"Actually it was you should do that more often." I smiled snaking my arms around her waist.

She pushed me away crossing her arms across her chest,"Ugh." I laughed,"Your little show was cute but really put some effort into this." She laughed tossing her head back,"You met my parents that's all the effort you need." I grabbed her by her waist pulling her close to me her eyes widened in surprise I smirked,"I mean it Reed." The bell rang I let her go stepping inside the class.

Making my way to my seat I sighed it's going to be a long day. Senior pictures were coming up this Thursday. Everyone was excited the teacher walked around the room passing out today's class work. He stopped in front of my desk peering over his glasses at me.

"Mr. Vince I hope you prepared a rough draft of your speech for graduation. Although I highly doubt I need to worry." I've only had it written since the ninth grade but I guess some changes could be made.

"Yes sir, no need to worry sir" he smiled at my response making another round around the class room. I only dreamed of the moment and was more then prepared. I was ready to encourage my fellow senior classmates on the bright future bestowed upon us after high school.

My phone buzzed in my back pocket I glanced up at Mr. Hilton making sure he wasn't looking. It was Elliot she wanted me to meet her in the hall. I clicked the screen off raising my hand,"May I be excused."

"Of course Mr. Vince" he said before returning to the board scribbling notes. I rose from my seat walking to the door ignoring the constant stares of my classmates.

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