|Family Matters I|

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I helped Elliot dry her hair as she sat in between my legs on the bed. I kissed her on lightly the neck,"You're so beautiful baby." I mumbled against her soft skin.

She giggled "Stop it" I laughed kissing her again. The door opened and her father stood in the door frame, I scooted away from Elliot. This doesn't look good. Elliot stood up quickly covering herself ,"Dad what are you doing here!"

His jaw clenched "What are you doing sitting in between his legs half dressed Elliot." Note that we just got out the shower, which explains her being half dressed. "I'm eighteen" she says rolling her eyes.

"Did you two shower together?" he growled. I turned paler than I already was "Why are you here" Elliot snapped. "The last thing I need is for you getting pregnant like a fool" he glared at me his knuckles white.

"I should get going" I said nervously grabbing my things. Elliot wrapped her arms around me "You're not leaving! He should be leaving" she said glaring back at her father.

"You will not disrespect me Elliot" he yelled I winced but Elliot didn't. "Says the man who missed the biggest night of my life" she screamed back. I pulled her into my chest whispering in her ear "Baby calm down I know you're angry, but it's not going to help the situation."

She nodded squeezing me tighter "I don't want you to go" I rubbed her back soothingly "I promise I'll be back for you sweetheart. Talk to you're parents, and by talk I mean listen."

"Fine, only if you promise to come back" I nodded kissing her forehead. She let go and I gathered my things making my way towards the door. I smiled weakly at her father "Nice seeing you again sir." He grumbled a few menacing threats under his breath as I scurried pass him through the door.

I saw Mrs. Reed pacing downstairs in the foyer "Goodbye Mrs. Reed" she looked up and smiled a little. "See you soon sweetheart, and tell your mother I said hello" I nodded walking out of the front door. My stomach twisted into a knot remembering how pissed off Elliot's father was.

It seemed like Elliot had a lot of family matters to discuss. I've never seen Mrs. Reed wear anything but a bright smile. It was strange to see her all nervous and antsy. I texted Elliot some reassuring words and got in the car driving away. Elliot never text back that night but I was sure she'd text me in the morning. I hope everything went well with her parents. She told me last night that she wasn't going to let them do this. I tried to get Elliot to see her parents side too. I didn't completely side with her parents, but there had to be a good reason for all this.

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I hope the reads pick up but if not I'll continue to finish it out ! Thank you guys for reading <3

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