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After arriving at the address Elliot gave him. He got out the car walking up the curvy pathway leading to the black and white modern house. The grass was freshly cut and the bushes trimmed to perfection.


The entire neighborhood looked magazine cover worthy. Licking my lips I rang the doorbell waiting. The door opened Elliot stood there she frowned before walking back into the house.

I closed the door behind me my stomach fluttered. I've never been in a girls house before, well lets just say I don't have any experience with a girl. "You made it finally we have a lot of work to do" I watched her crack open a bottled of water.

She looked so different her hair was tied in a bun and she had no make up on. I've never seen her without makeup I don't think anyone has she was so beautiful.

"Your staring kid" she snorted. I blinked I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Is there ever a moment your not embarrassed or turning red in the face Vince?" I rubbed the back of my neck speechless.

"S- so why did y-you invite me here?" I asked trying to avoid her wandering eyes. "We're going shopping if your going to be my new boyfriend you at least have to look the part Vince" she grabbed her car keys.

"What if I l-like how I d-dress" I stood there. I didn't wanna change how I look. She sighed walking over to me I could tell she was annoyed by my response. I gulped feeling uncomfortable with our close proximity.

"Listen Vince your gonna do this whether you like it or not" she squinted her eyes at me waiting for a challenge. My fear of her got the best of me,"Fine." I followed her out the house to her car parked in the garage.

We drove to the mall she hummed to the radio while I stared out the window miserably. "Don't be such a drag babe" I looked over at her. She smiled,"Have you ever kissed a girl before Vince?"

I shook my head here I am a senior in high school and have never kissed a girl. She clucked her tongue in disapproval,"Damn well we're going to change that." I bit my lip she wanted me to kiss her.

"You w-want me to k-kiss you!" She smirked. "I am your girlfriend right?" I nodded. We arrived at the mall I dreaded the mall and all its people.

She grabbed my hand sending a wave of electricity through my body. The first store we went into was a guy's store. She made me try on various outfits that looked cool. I tried to ignore the guys staring at her while she searched for the next outfit for me to try on.

I've never felt so jealous before they gawked at her beauty. She walked back over to me shoving a stack of clothes into my arms before pushing me in the dressing room. I tried them on earning her approval on some on the outfits.

We checked out then she dragged me into another store. I was sick and tired of trying on ripped jeans and plaid shirts with odd designs. "Gee whiz a-are we done y-yet" I whined pushing my glasses up my nose.

She turned to face me grabbing the bag,"Almost Vince we have one more stop." I didn't understand what else we had to buy. She stopped in front of the eye sight place I stared at her,"Why are we h-here."

"To get you a pair of contacts" she pulled me inside. We were greeted by one of the eye doctors. "I don't want contacts" she rolled her eyes then turned her attention back to the doctor. "Excuse my boyfriend he's nervous about getting his first pair of contacts" she smiled politely at the woman.

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