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I sat on the couch I heard footsteps and low whispers I paused the tv. I heard my mother's voice she must have walked him to the front door. I listened as they exchanged words.

"I'll see you in a few weeks" he cleared his throat "for Elliot's graduation." I could imagine my mother's stone cold face.

"Don't bring her Elijah" was all she said before I heard the door close. She never called my father by his real name. Her heels clicked across the floor. She stopped in the doorway. I didn't lift my head to make eye contact. I waited until she disappeared down the hall.

She was right to tell him I didn't want that bitch at my graduation. I'd kill him if he even thought about it. My stomach growled I got up searching the kitchen for something to eat.

I closed the fridge when nothing looked appetizing enough to soothe my hunger. Grabbing my phone I dialed Voni. I waited until she finally picked up,"Can you be the best big sister ever and order a pizza and come over!" I waited for her reply.

"Well.." She sighed "I can do you one even better I'll order wings, those little lava fudge cakes you love and some action movies babe." I grinned into the phone, "Thanks babe I'll get the living room ready."

Two hours later Voni and I had devoured two full boxes of pizza. "Damn that was some good pizza" I groaned rubbing my flat stomach. "Yeah there's nothing better than Paul Walker and pepperoni pizza."

I laughed we've literally watched the all the fast and furious movies. "So" she jumped up turning her body to face me "You and your boyfriend." I smiled rolling my eyes knowing this was coming sooner or later "Gosh must you know every detail of my love life."

She nodded a few strands of her fiery red hair slipping from her messy bun. "Tell me everything" she screeched "have you two kissed yet." I smiled "Yes many times for a nerd he's an a amazing kisser" she turned bright red laughing in excitement.

"Oh god he's got you blushing Ell" I shook my head but couldn't swipe the smile off my face. "Okay" she said getting serious "Have you two had s-" I covered her mouth before she could finish.

"Don't say it and before you say it, NO" she giggled like a school girl. "You haven't put the goods on him yet Ell" I rolled my eyes at her. "No" I shook my head "I don't know" I sigh "He's different we take things slow."

"That's so sweet I'm happy for you Elliot" she pulled me into a hug. I smiled I could tell she truly meant it. I was happy for me too. The truth is I haven't been this happy with anyone in awhile. We finished watching action movies until I dozed off.

I woke up when the tv clicked off I looked next to me Voni was gone. I grabbed my phone she texted saying she went home. To my surprise the mess we made was cleaned up and I know Voni didn't clean it. I dragged myself upstairs plopping onto the bed. I was completely exhausted after all those movies.

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