|Older Friends|

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"Thanks for letting me crash on your couch Voni", I said stretching my sore limbs. "No worries Ell" she said shoving a piece of toast in her mouth. Voni was like the older sister I never had super cool and sexy as hell. She's a fiery red head with exotic green eyes that contrasted with her pale skin.

Voni's a upcoming model I had met at a party I'd snuck into awhile back. We started talking and instantly became friends. All my friends were older and I liked it that way. Occasionally I'd play around with the guys at school, but even that was getting played out.

"Morning babe" James said kissing her cheek. I rolled my eyes at the picture perfect couple,"You guys are disgusting." He threw a smirk in my direction,"What are you doing here Ell! it's been awhile." I shrugged staring at the tall shirtless man. James was a sexy chocolate guy with a smile that'll make any girl drop her panties, and a hard rock body to match. Who also had a soft spot for his beloved girlfriend.

"Your lucky Liam isn't here" he laughed. "He was just saying yesterday how he missed you" I glared at him. Liam is Jame's best friend who had a huge crush on me and is super annoying. My phone started ringing I picked it up. Staring at screen look who's calling Parker. I answered it,"Wassup babe" James and Voni heads shot in my direction mouths open. I flicked them off walking outside to continue my conversation in private.

"Elliot I'm sorry I have to cancel our plans something came up" I rolled my eyes. "Fine Vince, I'll talk to you later" I hung up the phone. I don't get it why I felt so disappointed that Parker canceled on me. Anyone else and I probably wouldn't have even bothered to answer the phone. I guess it's because it's him, but I'm not going to get all into that sappy love sick shit.

I went back inside joining the overly affectionate couple in the kitchen. "Ell's got a boyfriend" Voni chanted. I rolled my eyes frowning,"Yeah and he just canceled on me." Her smiled faded into a sympathetic one,"Well you can hang out with James and I if you want."

Honestly I just wanted to go home but I wasn't sure if my mother had kicked her fling out by now or not. I stood up,"Thanks, but no thanks." Grabbing my keys I walked to door. I wasn't expecting to see Liam standing outside the door when I opened. He wore a big grin on his handsome face.

"Liam!" I said a little to surprised. He walked inside,"Happy to see me baby." He's the last person I wanted to see. "Actually no, I'm on my way out" he pouted. "But I just got here" I rolled my eyes at his child like behavior. The guy was fine as hell, but such a pain in the ass.

Liam's a six foot sexy man whore with caramel skin and light brown hazel eyes. He was packing in every way possible. Broad shoulders, muscular body, and a huge- never mind. He's a arrogant bastard that's been chasing after me ever since we met.

I brushed pass him walking towards the door. "Bye people" I called over my shoulder before closing the door behind me. I didn't have time for Liam and his manipulative ass games.

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