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The fluorescent lights flashed across the hot bodies grinding together on the dance floor. My head swam as a pair of pale arms with red nails wrapped around my torso. "Lover boy have you had enough" she whispered lowly in my ear.

My first drink was wasted in the toilet and now I was currently on my fourth shot. She kept me balanced as we waved through the crowd of blurry faces. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as we stumbled into a empty corner.

I couldn't make out anything but the pretty lights and the pulsing music. I remember vaguely of why I'm here. The girl's giggles bought me back as she kissed up on my neck.

Her hands slowly inched towards my belt. I was way to trashed to stop her even if I wanted to. "We're going to have some fun handsome" she giggled. I nodded leaning my weight on the wall. My legs were like jello I felt a buzzing on my thigh but couldn't reach it.

The girl was suddenly snatched to the floor. A crowd of people gathered around to watch. My eyes widened when I recognized those angry brown eyes. "Ell- iout" I swayed on my feet trying to reach her and the girl clawing at each other.

Of course Elliot had a advantage the girl being just as drunk and disorientated as I was. The club security came breaking up the fight. She grabbed my hand leading me towards the door. Cursing under her breath as we maneuvered through the crowd.

The car ride was silent we stopped at a red light. I couldn't help but feel guilty as I glanced over at her. She stared forward at the road her hands gripping the steering wheel.

"Baby, I'm sorry" I could feel myself sobering up. "Shut the fuck up" she growled. I was silent I laid back staring out the window. I heard her sigh "What made you do this Vince?"

Truth is I didn't really know. No matter how boring my life is I never thought I'd get trashed at some club. "My life is boring and I wanted to do something different."

She shook her head and chuckled "You're a complete idiot." I frowned "But I'm your complete idiot." She smiled "Yes your my complete idiot." The drive home was quiet until we pulled up outside of her house.

She unbuckled her seat belt "Let's go!" I was confused "Your not taking me home?" She laughed "Sure I'll take you home drunk ass fuck for your mom to see and to possible kill you."

"You have a point" we got out the car. Her mother's car wasn't in the driveway but another car was. "Who's car?" I asked as we walked up the driveway.

"My dad's he staying for awhile" I froze. Her dads going to see me completely trashed and then gods no what else might happen. "Vince are you coming?" She held the front door open.

I gulped "Yeah" I sat on her bed waiting for her to come back with a glass of water and Tylenol. This was a horrible idea I don't know what got into me. The door opened I almost pissed myself.

Elliot walked in she smirked "Relax my dad's in the living area asleep." She tossed me a blanket "Now sleep on the floor the bed's not for idiots!" I didn't protest I spread out the small blanket getting as comfortable as possible.

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