|No way|

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Damn studying is hard I don't see how Parker did it all the time. I closed my text book four hard hours of pure hell. To think about it I haven't got a text from Parker in awhile.

I grabbed my phone calling his cell he didn't answer. That's a first he always answer when I call. I gave his cell another try before calling his house. Mrs. Vince picked up we chatted I asked about Parker and she said he left a few hours ago and hadn't been back.

Where in the hell is this kid I didn't know what else to do but shoot him a text. He was probably in the bookstore buying those comics him in his nerdy friends are always talking about. He didn't think I was listening but I was.

Even though it was complete hell listening to geeks talk about mathematic terms and models. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. I went down stairs my father decided he wanted to stay a little longer.

I think he just misses mom or he was either holding out from his new fiancé. She'd kill him if she found out he was with my mother and I. "You're still here why?" I reached in the fridge taking out the carton of milk.

"My flight got cancelled" he looked up at me then returned to typing on his phone. I rolled my eyes "How's the wife?" He tensed up placing his phone on the counter. "Great and now that you've asked we're planning the wedding soon. And Kelsey and I both wanted you to be one of her brides maids."

I chocked on my milk "Like hell will I be in that whores wedding!" He stood up slapping his large hand on the counter. "You will not disrespect her or this marriage. You are my daughter and you will be in this wedding!"

My mother walked into the room interrupting our stare down. "What's going on here" she eyed us both. Neither of us said a word she sighed pinching the bridge of her nose.

"I heard you two from way upstairs what's the problem" she looked at me. "Elliot" I crossed my arms across my chest glaring at him. "He's trying to make me be in that bitch's wedding" she shot me a glare.

"Watch your mouth you will not speak like that in this house!" I scoffed walking out of the kitchen and back upstairs. I heard them two talking I stopped midway.

"She doesn't have to attend the wedding if she doesn't want to Eli" my mother snapped.

"Nora she's my daughter it's only right that she's in it" he said calmly.

"She's eighteen she can make her own decisions. You can't make her befriend your women anymore." I could here the anger growing in her voice.

"My women! Is that what you think I do" He yelled "And what have you done Eleonora bringing these strange men around my daughter. Sleeping with them while she's here! No wonder she's the way she is." He hit her where it hurts I went upstairs before I could hear anymore.

I called Parker I needed a escape and fast. Shit where in the hell is this kid my phone started ringing. It was him I quickly answered it "Vince why aren't you answering your phone." Music blasted through the phone and I could hear people chanting.

"Heeyuh bab whuts up" he slurred into the phone. I glanced back at the screen making sure I had the right number. "Vince are you drunk? Wait where in the hell are you!" There was more chanting I could barely hear him over the loud music in the background. The line went dead. I grabbed my keys jogging downstairs. No way in hell this kids at a party getting drunk.

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