|Come Over|

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Parker couldn't take his mind off the fact that Elliot Reed wanted him to come to her house. Tossing and turning in his bed staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts wondered to Elliot and her beautiful smile.

Smiling to himself he thought she was truly remarkable. A girl he'd never thought would look his way claimed him as hers. Not just any girl but the girl who steals for fun and scares the living shit out him.


Opening the front door I walked inside the screams of my mother locked inside her room no longer bothered me. She claims to hear monsters in her head, but it's the stuff she's on.

Plopping down on my bed I opened my backpack. The kid was clueless he didn't even realize I snagged his phone and wallet. Parker Vince his named fumbled around in my head. He's hot and it's odd that he keeps that hidden away from everyone. I personally made it my mission to give him a taste of the wild side.

The kid probably hasn't skipped a day of school in his life. I put my headphones in when my mother's screams dragged down the hall. It's crazy what drugs will do to you. I'll only smoke a cigarette to ease my mind, but anything else no.

Inviting Parker over was a shitty idea, but I figured she would be gone for work so why not. I closed my eyes letting the music be my escape out of reality. The next morning I dragged myself out bed getting ready for school. I'd be an hour late not that I cared. Parker would be there so that's a plus.

"Parker, Parker Vince, Vince I think I'll go with that" I did my research on the kid valedictorian blah! Maybe I'll fix him turn him into something better than what he is now.


Arriving at school early wasn't out of the ordinary for me. I walked through the halls searching for Elliot. Every since our strange encounter in the library. I've made an effort in keeping up my appearance.

Last night before bed I stared in the mirror for ten minutes. I didn't see anything just the same old me since forever. I searched the halls for her, I didn't see her anywhere.

When lunch rolled around there she was walking through the glass doors of the cafeteria. She looked around before her eyes landed on me. My pulse quickened as she walked over to the table. "You still coming over or do you have to call your mommy first" she smirked.

"I- I'm still coming I don't have to ask my m- mother for permission to go places. I just h- have to inform her" she laughed shaking her head her curls bouncing. "Well then Vince, don't be late" her hand slid down my cheek as she stared down at me.

My face heated up I blushed looking away. She rolled her eyes before walking out of the cafeteria. I looked around the room everyone had just seen what had happened. I left not wanting to be the center of any attention at all.

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