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It's been two weeks since Elliot left and she texts me everyday, but somehow I still feel empty. The last night we were together it was like we were already apart. She didn't say much and she never left my side.

We ran errands for my mother when she asked, if we wanted to get out of the house. Then we came back to my place and ate pizza on the  deck. Elliot took more pictures in my phone. I wiped my teary eyes just thinking about it. I felt like I'd lost apart of myself the day she got into that car. Her beautiful face sad and streaked with tears.

Our last night together was crazy she stole a bottle of her mothers liquor. I begged her to put it back, but she didn't care. She drank herself until she no longer cried, and her eyes were no longer filled with sorrow. I drank myself full until my stomach felt like it would explode.

We made love on the couch in the empty living room in her house. Everything else in the house was gone her mother packed it up leaving the couch her father bought. I wanted her to feel my love for her, to know that no one can ever love her like I can. I tried to stay strong in front of her, but slowly I was tearing apart.

Elliot wanted to stay up afterwards watching horror movies. It was three in the morning and we both were still pretty drunk. I didn't say no and we sat on the mattress in the guess room on the floor. It was again the mattress her father slept on when he visited. I guess her mother didn't want any memories of him including Elliot herself.

The screen on her phone was a little too small for two people to watch so I held her in my arms. She fell asleep twenty minutes into some creepy movie about a dead family haunting a house. I wasn't to interested in horror movies to me they were all the same. I cried a little I didn't want her to see me cry. It would only make it harder for her to leave.

In the morning we had left the empty house leaving her keys in the mailbox walking to a diner. We ate pancakes and Elliot talked a little. She didn't say much but every word still meant the world to me. I kissed her forehead telling her everything's going to be alright.

Even though 80% of long distance relationships failed. It was likely that they either broke up because someone cheated. I knew I could never cheat on Elliot, no one compares. She swirled her straw in the glass of orange juice. I familiarized myself with the curve of her lips and softness of her voice. I was truly going to miss her, and was just waiting for the heart break to hit me. It hit me pretty hard I'd been locked in my room for a week not even Neal could get me out.

Nothing mattered without Elliot everything was simple in other words boring. I needed her chaos, her long curly brown hair, her laugh, anger, sadness. I wanted her and I wasn't letting her go. I got up grabbing my car keys and a hoodie running down stairs.

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