|New & Improved|

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After shopping my ass off with Parker I was exhausted. We went back to my place while he tried on all the stuff we'd bought. Of course he complained about everything but I could tell he enjoyed himself.

"Elliot I d-don't think I look good in these clothes", I sighed turning around to see him. My mouth dropped opened,"Shit Vince." He blushed biting his lip. I took in his full appearance he was no longer the nerdy valedictorian that no one knew, but a sexy bad boy.

I walked around him in a circle,"You look amazing!" I smiled at my work. Thank god I decided to get him a hair cut at the last minute. "You t-think so?", He stuttered his cheeks turning a bright pink.

Confidence the kid lacks confidence and stutters. It's highly annoying. "Okay Vince you're gonna have to stop the whole stuttering thing. You're a new and improved you so act the part."

He frowned god he looked sexy just frowning, but it wasn't my mission to fall for the kid. "Sorry it's just I don't want you to be shy and hide yourself anymore", he nodded smiling a little.

My phone beeped I grabbed it just another message from a guy on Facebook trying to hit on me. Then I got an idea I opened up snap chat and started taking pictures of Parker and I. Five minutes later my phone blew up with messages. Parker broke the silence,"I h-have to go I have homework to finish."

To be honest I was kind of bummed the fun with him was ending. "Uh yeah, I'll see you at school tomorrow." He nodded I helped put all the stuff we bought into his car. "Thanks for giving me a make over." I gasped,"This is my first time ever hearing you say a sentence without stuttering."

"This has been the most fun I've ever had in forever" he said shyly. I lifted his chin staring into his deep brown eyes. Standing on my tippy toes I leaned up kissing him on the cheek.

"The fun has only just begun Vince", I walked away going back into the house. From the window I watched him drive away. I slid his wallet out of my pocket staring at his school I.D. I couldn't wait to see what everyone thought of the new and improved Parker Vince.


When she turned around I wasn't expecting to get the reaction I did from her. I walked inside of the house carrying all the bags. My mother walking into the room,"Honey you're late for dinner." She gasped when she seen me,"Parker what happened to you."

I began to feel self conscious all over again. The confidence I gained with Elliot slipping,"Hey mom I got a make over from my girlfriend." It was strange to hear those words come out of my mouth. Me, Parker Vince, who sits in the cafeteria alone, and arrives at school early has a girlfriend. Not just any girl, but Elliot Reed as my girlfriend.

"Wait you have a girlfriend Parker!", She was just as shocked as me. "Yeah mom she's great and beautiful." She squealed running up to me pulling me into a hug,"Oh my baby boy has a girlfriend and you look adorable."

I smiled I love my mom she's always there for me when I need her. "Thanks mom" squeezing my cheeks she ran out of the room,"I have to call your grandmother and tell her." I laughed while carrying the shopping bags into my room.

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