Dont Leave Me

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The beeping of the machine was the only noise filling the small hospital room. I held Parker's hand in my own trembling ones. He looked pale and beat up from the accident. His right cheek purple swollen and bruised. Scraps were all over his arms he looked broken, but peaceful. The stench of bleach and purified water was starting to get to me. I can't believe he actually tried to drive to Florida for me. When my father called me downstairs, and the cops were at the door I couldn't believe it.

They told me Parker had been in a accident and was taken to the hospital in critical condition. The doctors said they lost him several times but he was revived, and put on a breathing machine. "Why do you have to be the hero and I always the damsel in distress?" I said softly. I rubbed my fingers over the back of his hand breathing in deeply.

"I'd lost you once already, I can't lose you again Vince come back to me" I begged. I sat an hour longer before my father came and picked me up. "They found this in the wreckage" he handed me Parker's beaten up glasses case. I covered my mouth to keep from sobbing. "Is he coming back?" My father held my hand while watching the road. "It'd take a miracle his injuries are too great Elliot" I wiped my eyes.

He has to come back I could only hope it was me instead of him. He deserves to live the happy life not to be in the hospital- I opened the case there they were. Thick black rimmed his initials imprinted on the side. The glasses right lens shattered, yet still in tact. More tears weld into my eyes "Why do you always have to save me."

If I wouldn't have been so miserable he wouldn't have come. This is all my fault I put the case to my chest seeking some type of comfort. Something in the case jingled I opened it back up. I shook the case a little harder a ring fell out into my hand. I gasped tears springing to my eyes staring at the beautifully cut ring. He wasn't going to- "Shit Parker Vince" I searched the ring's band. There it was my initials and his engraved in the band.

"E.R & P.V I'll always love you" I cried. He was going to ask me to marry him. That's why he came, to ask me to marry him. I grabbed my keys rushing back to the hospital. He laid there exactly as I left him. "I love you so much Parker Vince" I kissed him gently on the lips. I didn't expect him to kiss me back, but he did. His arm reaching up to caress my head full of curls.

"Parker y- you"

"I thought I lost you Elliot you died" I shook my head ignoring my tears and runny nose.

"I thought the same thing" I sniffled he held my hand squeezing it.

"Don't you ever run away from me" he said tears in his eyes. I nodded bending down to kiss him again.

"Ahh" he groaned in pain. I leaned back "Am I hurting you?" he smiled kissing me again.

"You can never hurt me"

The End

Thank you guys for reading, commenting, voting and overall staying with me ! A million kisses and hugs

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