|Your Scene|

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"Wanna go out tonight?" I watched as Elliot folded her clothes putting them away. "I can't" she grumbled "I have a shitty anatomy test to study for."

"I can help" I didn't have anything better to do so why not. "No I got it babe trust me" she walked over to me sitting on my lap. "You've helped me quite enough" she said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"It's time for me to help you" I smiled waiting to taste her. "And exactly how you plan on doing that" She jumped up standing near the door holding it open.

"By kicking you out." She had to be kidding me "No way your kicking me out." She put her hands on her hips staring at me,"Hell yeah I am Vince." I grabbed my keys walking towards the door.

I didn't expect her to slam the door in my face but she did. I went downstairs "Goodbye Mrs. Reed" I said to her mother who was standing in kitchen with a fly swatter. "Bye honey drive safe" she yelled before I heard a loud smack. She's been trying to catch that fly all afternoon ever since it flew in from the back door.

What to do, what to do I finished all my homework. Rewritten my entire speech I frowned up at the ceiling. My life is completely boring without Elliot in it. It sucks being a senior and have never been to a party and gotten drunk or even held a drink.

I grabbed my coat and keys rushing down stairs looking at my watch it was about ten. I couldn't believe I spent three hours moping about around the house. The club shouldn't be to full and I knew just how to get in.

My mentor of four years has a younger brother Dave who's a bouncer at a popular club down town. He use to complain about the night scene and how it could get dangerous sometimes. I never thought I'd be doing this. I skipped to the front of the line catching a glimpse of Dave outside the club door. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt a clipboard in his hand with a bored expression on his face.

I walked towards the front ignoring the angry people yelling. "Hey no cuts man!" Several guys yelled.

"What is he doing?" A brunette screeched her double d's spilling out of her bra type top.

"Oh hell no I had to wait thirty minutes to get this far!" Her friend said shouting to the front of the line.

I reached Dave he was currently eyeing a pretty blonde girl at the front trying to ease her way in with a fake ID. "Yo Dave!" His head shot up my direction. A slow smile appeared on his face "Parker bro! I didn't even recognize you without the glasses."

"Yeah those things are long gone" I chuckled. "What brings you here man I know this isn't really your scene" he gestured to the line of sweaty people waiting behind me.

It's not I rather be at home finishing up my lord of the rings series but it's time to live a little tonight. "Yeah I know I wanted to step out of the same old boring routine and thought I'd come here and check it out."

His smile widened "I can get you in dude but I can't get you free drinks that's on you." I nodded "Thanks man I think I can handle the drinks." I gulped still smiling I've never had a alcoholic beverage in my life. Not even the wine coolers kids steal from the store in middle schools.

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