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I waited for Parker in the hallway the door opened and he walked out. "Shouldn't you be in class Elliot" He eyed me.

"Yeah I should but I'm not and you won't be either now come on" I grumbled.

He hesitated before falling close behind me as we walked towards the entrance of the school. I pushed opened the double glass doors looking over my shoulder to make sure he was still behind me.

"Where are we going? I should really get back to class Elliot!" He said I rolled my eyes. "Stop worrying babe" I said turning to smile at him. He continued to follow me into the student parking lot. I got into the car waiting for him. He looked around before getting inside.

"What are we doing in your car?" I leaned over moving his face closer to mine. I kissed him he moved closer deepening the kiss. I climb on his side onto his lap his hands moving to my hips.

He pulled away breathing heavily his face flushed. "This is why you brought me out here" he smiled. I buried my face into the crook of his neck. He groaned running his fingers through my hair.

"Shit that hurts Elliot" I gripped a hand full of his hair.  "You taste delicious" I moaned. After twenty minutes of heavily making out. I laid in his arms as he traced circles on my back. It was very soothing "Vince do you like me?" I lifted my head to look at him.

He looked down at me and laughed "What kind of question is that Elliot." I frowned "No really I'm being serious." I waited for his answer he sighed,"You know if we're being honest I don't I think your a cruella", he smiled.

I rolled my eyes he laughed "Be honest like no jokes." I waited until he regained his composer. I don't know I just really felt like I needed him to say yes. He kissed my forehead "I do really like you. I think you're one extraordinary, intelligent, beautiful girl. Who is a badass and needs to be put in her place." I smirked Parker's grown some balls "Is that a challenge I smell."

He laughed "It certainly ain't no roses baby." The bell rang are little moment together was over. "We gotta go before we get caught out here" I climbed off his lap back onto the drivers side. He pouted "You coming over today after school."

I smirked "Can't get enough baby" he leaned over kissing me softly on the lips. "Nope" I smiled. I could see the red and purple hickeys I left on his neck. "Okay we really gotta go" I pulled away getting out of the car.

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