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! WARNING ! The upcoming chapters may not follow the same order of character perspectives as the previous chapters ! Comment any further questions


"Dinner was amazing", I stood up on my tippy toes kissing his lips. He leaned down wrapping his arms around my waist. Damn his cologne was driving me crazy,"Just a little longer" I groaned against his lips.

He pushed me back a little his hands hanging loosely at my waist "I think that's enough for you" he smiled his lips red and puffy. I couldn't help it. He look so sexy in that crisp white dress shirt and those grey denim jeans. I pout removing his hands from around my waist,"You're so unfair."

The front door opened,"I thought I heard you two out here." Parker smiled at my mother as she tightened her robe,"Good evening Ms. Reed, I'm just dropping Elliot off." She glance from me to him,"Oh yes dear, I assume you two had a nice time?" I watched Parker closely as he talked. Who knew I'd be this head over heels for this guy.

"Yeah mom, we had a great time!", I cut the conversation short knowing how long she can go on with Parker. "Well, I better get going", he said taking a step back.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes annoyed and horny as hell. He steps back up closing the small space in between us kissing my forehead like a gentlemen. Bidding me and my nosey mother a goodbye.

I stomp into the house going upstairs stripping out of my dress. The hot shower took some of the edge off. My phone buzzed on my bed as I finished up wrapping my hair.

"You're such a fucking tease", I grumble into the phone. I heard him laughing on the other end "Yeah yeah Elliot." He just didn't know he was playing with fire. "What's your reason to continue to annoy me babe" I sighed.

I could just picture him laying in his bed staring up at the ceiling. Probably in a white tee and his favorite blue gym shorts, his hair damp from a shower. "Colors for prom? Doll face", I grinned at his little nick name.

"Well I've thought about sky blue?", He didn't say anything. "Um we can try yellow maybe?", More silence. I was starting to think the kid fell asleep on me.

"Vince are you there?", I waited for his reply. "I'm here" he said finally. "Are you tired? We can talk colors tomorrow if you want", I bit my bottom lip. "Yeah a little I guess there's just a lot on my mind", I could tell he was in deep thought.

"Vince what's wrong", I said truly concerned about what was going on with him. There was more silence then he cleared his throat "Don't worry your pretty little head about me, trust me I'm fine."

Something wasn't right and I felt it in my gut. "Okay" I sighed. "I'll call you tomorrow Elliot", was all he said before he ended the call. I sat up in bed replaying the night over in my head. Tonight was perfect I don't understand why he was acting so strange all of a sudden.

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