|I'll Always Love You|

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"You're fucking breaking up with me!" He can't do this to me. "Elliot baby girl calm down" I can't believe it. I was coming back to him doing this all for us. To be together forever until death do us part.

"I love you! And you're fucking breaking up with me" I held my stomach.

"I will always-" he was cut off by my father "Elliot it's time to go inside."

I ignored him "Why are you doing this!" Parker looked uneasily behind me. I turned around to see my father glaring at him. "You did this!" He turned pale. Parker grabbed both my hands "Elliot listen I'll forever love you, but right now I don't think this is what's best for us."

"No! Don't touch me" I pulled away running towards my car. He ran after me, I locked the doors putting the key in the ignition. "Elliot, please don't go" he yelled banging on the window. I wiped my face pushing the gas pedal. Ignoring the blaring horns around me I kept going. I didn't stop I had to get away. I glanced at the rear view mirror. Looking back at the road I screamed turning the wheel hard to the right.


I watched her car speed off down the road. "I have to go after her" I ran to my car as her father ran inside. I had to make sure she was okay, I kept calling her cell getting no answer. "Elliot please answer the phone" I stopped at a red light. I heard sirens in the distance, and pulled over to let the fire trucks by.

My stomach twisted into a knot I kept calling her cell phone, it going straight to voicemail. "Please Elliot!" The phone kept ringing in my ear then again the voice mail. I slowed down there was a car crash up ahead.

The phone dropped out of my hand onto the floor. I recognized the black porsche completely flipped over on its hood. The front of the car was smashed into a tree. The guardrail separating the road from the woods gone.

"Elliot!" I ran screaming her name. It felt as if my feet couldn't move fast enough. A policeman grabbed me "Hey son! I can't let you go over there, it's too dangerous." I pushed passed him "That's my girlfriend, please that's  her car!" he let go of me. I stumbled forward running towards the car. A fireman pulled Elliot's lifeless body out of the reck.

Her head was bleeding baldy, she was covered in blood and scraps. "Elliot!" I screamed the sound of glass crunching underneath my feet as I ran. "She's not responding, where's the ambulance!" the fireman yelled still trying to revive her. "No please! Elliot" A fireman grabbed hold of me. "I'm sorry son, we couldn't save her" I dropped to my knees. "Elliot please!" I screamed trying to get to her.



I slung myself forward "let go of me I have to see her." I wasn't going to watch her die. I couldn't.

"Please, Elliot"

"I'm so sorry" he said over and over. I watched, screaming her name as they carried her away on the stretcher. "Elliot, please" I dropped to knees sobbing all the air in my lungs gone.

"I'll always love you"

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