|It's Someone|

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"Mother I know prom is coming up soon" I sighed holding the phone to my ear. "No I don't know what colors Elliot and I are wearing."

Prom was about a month away neither Elliot and I was worried about it. I saw her down the hall "Mom I gotta go I'll talk to you later." I hung up on phone and smiled "Hey baby girl."

She smiled waving a piece of paper in my face "Guess who got a A on her Calculus exam." There it was a fat red A on the top of her paper. "No way I'm so proud of you!" I pulled her in for a kiss.

"God damn Vince, you can't keep kissing me like that" she licked her lips then smiled.  "Sorry" I laughed. "No need to be I didn't say I didn't like it"

Elliot confused me well all girls confused me. I didn't mind I enjoyed her sudden outburst of affection for me. We often spent our days after school sitting in my room. Me sitting between her legs while she played in my hair.

Then somehow we would end up with me pinning her to the bed. Us both breathing heavily after a way to hot make out session. I smiled at the memory of us coming to way to close to something we both weren't ready for.

"Our two month anniversary is coming up we should do something" she said see begin our linked arms.

"Like what?" I couldn't believe it's been two months and we barely have a month of school left.

"Gifts! And a real date with candles-" I smiled. "You really go this planned out" she nodded. I listened to her talk about all the stuff we could do for our two month anniversary.

The thing is it hardly felt like two months it seemed like more. She stopped walking taking out her phone "Gosh he's such a dick." She rolled her eyes at whatever was on the screen.

"What's wrong?" I waited for her to answer. I peered over her shoulder she was texting someone and the conversation was getting heated. "Who are you texting?" She shrugged me off.

"Elliot!" I wasn't going to let her shrug me off this time. "He's no one" she huffed. "Apparently he is someone if he has your phone number and your replying to his text."

"It has nothing to do with you so chill the fuck out!" She kept walking into the cafeteria. I followed her "As your boyfriend it has everything to do with me." She gave me the finger walking over to a group of her friends sitting on the outside patio. Elliot was officially testing patient with her.

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