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The car ride was hell, pulling into the driveway of the shit hole was complete torture. I cried my eyes out in front of everyone in the neighborhood, not caring who saw. He stared at the road not offering anything, but time to piss when he felt like it.

Florida's hot and rainy most days, if not a few cloudy skies. Every second I was here I hated it even more. My appetite had vanished I didn't eat for a week. I'm pretty sure by now I'd look like a dead corpse. No way would I look in the mirror at my reflection. Without Parker it felt like there's nothing to live for. Parker couldn't see me like this, so I put on my best smile when he face times me. Of course, him being him he noticed the changes.

"Sweet heart are you eating? You look pale, and your face is thinner" his voice pained. I nodded not trusting my lips to move.

"I'll be visiting soon" he said as if to cheer me up. I smiled a little. I noticed he'd gotten a hair cut, and is wearing his glasses now.

"I can't wait", my voice cracked sounding foreign to my own ears. There was a knock on the door "I'll call you later" I mumbled through the receiver. He nodded once ending the call. I laid there until the knocking ceased. The door opened, I turned to face the wall.

"You haven't eaten anything in a week" he sounded stressed. Good I didn't care. I've been to depressed to hold anything down anyway. "This isn't good for your health and wellbeing", I've heard it all before yesterday, and the day before. Hear comes the yelling.

"I won't tolerate this kind of behavior from you. You're not eating because your upset about this boy. You need to get over him, what's done is done!" He shouted. A baby started to wail, I closed my eyes tight. A week of my arrival, she gave birth to a new baby girl. He slammed the door, and I held a pillow close to my chest.

My phone vibrated beside me it was text from Voni. I closed my eyes even tighter, I miss Parker more than anything. I wanted to be angry to scream, but I was too broken. The baby's wails stopped and the arguing started. It felt familiar, but different. She yelled at him for waking the baby and he'd yell and at her for being moody.

I got up out of bed my limbs sore. I had to handle my daily hygiene needs. I miss my shower, my bed, my room. I was pushed inside the guest room. The smallest room in the five bedroom house. My reflection looked horrible I resemble the walking dead in that show. I moisturized my skin bringing some of my color back, making me seem less sickly. I straightened my curly hair that gotten longer. I haven't been to the salon to get a trim in a month.

I pulled one of Parker's big shirts over my head it stopped at my knees. Putting on some black tights and sneakers with it. I walked over to the window, and opened it. Looking back at the door I put my leg up. Then leaped out the window, my legs wobbly when I landed. "Shit that hurt" I cursed getting up. I started on my way down the sidewalk, the mid afternoon sun beating down on me.

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