|Prom II|

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Tonight was already starting to get better. Earlier I was a little upset that my so called "father" couldn't make it to see me off to prom. Parker was doing everything possible tonight to keep me in a good mood. So far it was working I hadn't had this much fun in awhile.

"Okay guys, I need to sit down now" I plopped down in a chair at our table. We've literally been dancing for an hour straight. Parker and I, his friends and their dates, some of my friends it was fun.

"Wow Elliot I didn't know you could dance like that" you can say I gave Parker the special treatment on the dance floor.

"Yeah too bad it wasn't you" I smirked at Parker's friend Neal. He's actually really funny and looked cute in his tux tonight. Parker came back with our drinks "Here you are lady's" the other girls blushed.

I rolled my eyes, yes I know he's a gentleman and it's cute. "And here's your's my lady" I couldn't help it I smiled it was hard to ignore his charm. "Thank you" We all sat and chatted for awhile before running back to the dance floor.

We were all dancing including the stuck up teachers who were supposed to be chaperoning. I felt Parker's hands slid from my stomach to my waist. He leaned close to ear "You keep dancing like this and I'll have to punish you later on tonight." I clenched my legs together heading his warning.

The music was cut and principal Taylor walked on the stage in a black suit. He stepped to the mic center stage "This is going to be a little informal but- I'm proud of the graduating class tonight"

Everyone cheered, screamed and some whistled. He continued when the noise died down "You lady's and gentlemen out there look absolutely beautiful tonight!" Again everyone cheered "Without further udo I'll announce the prom king and queen!"

The room went so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Parker stood behind me holding on to my waist. "And our prom queen is .." There was the signature drum roll and background music that drove you slightly insane. "Amy Whitfield!"

I watched as the pretty brunette in a coral pink Cinderella dress walked up on stage to be crowned. She looked as if she wanted to cry the crowd cheered energetically. She was crowned, a sash was put on her and a bouquet of red roses was placed in her hands. I clapped waiting for the king to be announced "And for our prom king.."

I bit my lip anxiously "Parker Vince! valedictorian of our senior" everyone turned to face him cheering and screaming. I turned around "You won!"

"I didn't run" he stared at me confused.

"I might have put your name on the ballot and everyone voted for you!" I smiled.

He still looked shocked until a few guys came pushing him up on stage. Assistant principal Donna crowned him placing a sash over his head. He waved to me in the crowd as principal Taylor waited for the crowd to calm.

"And now our king and queen will share a dance together on the dance floor" he announced. Every cleared a way I caught of glimpse Amy's face. She looked a little to eager to dance with my man.

A hand landed on my bare shoulder "You look like you wanna rip Amy's head off" I turned to face Todd who just happens to be Amy's date for tonight. "I'm fine" I watched as they danced in the middle of the floor at a respectable distance.

"Anyway you look wow!" His eyes slowly scanned me before returning back up to my face. "Thanks you don't look to bad yourself" I didn't really wanna talk I just wanted to get my man back.

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