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I was still shaking from the ride here it was exhilarating. I've never felt so alive the rush was amazing. Elliot grabbed my hand locking our fingers together. "Let's go eat I'm starving" she said as I followed her inside of the restaurant.

We entered the Chinese themed restaurant with fancy lights and lanterns. The place was very authentic it gave off a really nice vibe. "Hey Mien Pei" she said smiling at the short Chinese woman behind the counter. "Elliot so nice to see you, it's been so long" the woman beamed grabbing two menus before pulling Elliot into a tight hug. Obviously it wasn't her first time here if she was very comfortable with the staff. We followed the woman to a table in the front of the restaurant that was unoccupied.

I searched the menu as the two of them carried out their conversation. The woman soon left and Elliot turned her attention to the menu. "Ugh I'm so hungry I can eat a cow" she groaned. I chuckled admiring her natural beauty. Her soft honey brown complexion and plump pink lips. Those beautiful thick curls now straightened flowing over her shoulders. She's was truly remarkable and a complete mystery to me.

She caught my gaze I turned away my cheeks heating up. I knew she'd caught me staring at her. "You were staring at me?" She asked leaning back in her chair slightly amused. Elliot was still intimidating when she wanted to be. "I wasn't" I said all to quickly "I was looking behind you" I lied horribly. She rolled her eyes sucking her teeth.

"You have your mother's eyes" I lifted my head to look at her. Her gaze met mine,"So brown, so pretty." She leaned forward watching me closely. Butterflies swam in my stomach I looked away at anyone else but her. Glancing back at her she licked her pink luscious lips slowly. I almost groaned a evil grin spread across her face. I snapped out of my state of lustful confusion.

She laughed at me,"Your so easy babe" she said before returning back to her menu. I glared at her but smiling on the inside. So bad I wanted to be the one in control, and show her how she makes me feel. How she plays with me like a ball of yarn.

The woman came back I sensed that her in the woman were closer than I expected. The woman who names I soon learned was Mien was a close friend of Elliot's mother. She had small crinkled eyes and porcelain clear skin. A round chubby face and small fast hands. She took our order and brought back our drinks leaving us in comfortable silence. I sipped on my ice tea while watching Elliot type furiously on her phone.

Gosh it was annoying but I let her be. The food came later and Mien slipped us some fried dumplings. Elliot snatched one of the white dough balls popping it into her mouth. She closed her eyes moaning as she chewed,"So goood!" I laughed then tried one myself they were good. We ate until Elliot had had enough boy did she have an appetite.

"I have a question?" She said dabbing her mouth with a napkin. "Alright go for it" I waited. "Your father, you nor your mother mentioned him why is that?" I tensed up at the mention of my father it's always being a touchy subject for me. I don't know if I was ready to tell Elliot something so personal.

"Was that a bad thing for me to ask?" She said with a look a concern. Truth is it was I wasn't ready to confide with someone about something so deep. I shrugged,"My father, it's not something my mom and I like to talk about." She nodded we sat there silent for a bit. I guess we both had questions about each other. I always wondered about all the things people said she did was they true.

Of course I was afraid to ask her "Are the rumors true... Elliot?" I blurted out. "What rumors Vince" her entire demeanor changed. I instantly regretted ever asking such a question. Letting curiosity get the best of me wasn't something I did often. "That you slept with that girls boyfriend" her fist were clenched tight. I waited for the explosion.

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