|Code SOS|

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I thought I escaped all the judgment and rumors when I left school. It was in my nature to get all defensive and apprehensive. This time I took a deep breath before reaching over and slapping the shit out of him.

Leaning back in my seat I simply shook my head,"No Vince, I didn't sleep with that bitches boyfriend. He hit on me I turned his community dick down and that was that. Of course he told his girlfriend something different, and she chose the wrong person to get loud with."

Parker just nodded I know I've broken a few happy homes, but were they really happy if I could get into them. I rolled my eyes wiping my hands free of the past. "How about I take you home kid, it's getting pretty late" I checked my phone for the time. He stood up reaching for his wallet in his pocket.

"Don't worry it's payed for" he looked confused then opened his wallet leaving a tip. I smirked,"Fucking nerds" we walked out of the restaurant onto the crowded streets after biding a goodbye to Mien. I just knew when I got home things weren't going to be pretty.

I dropped Parker off home he hadn't said anything else after we left the restaurant. I could only imagine the bull shit people say about me. I walked him to the front door,"Your bike helmet" he said finally after a long night of awkwardness. I stared up at him he was so weird in a cute nerdy way.

"Keep it I'll pick you up tomorrow we're going somewhere special" I winked at him before walking off the porch returning to my bike. I didn't wait until he got into the house before riding off. Putting my bike in the garage I sat in the driveway lighting up a cigarette. I needed to relieve some stress I've had built up.

A pair of familiar head lights pulled up in the driveway stopping only inches in front of me. I instantly recognized the silver convertible as my mother's. I put out my cigarette as the car doors opened. Four legs stepped out instead of two just my luck.

Her black stiletto heels clicked across the pavement as she approached me. My mother was a beautiful African American woman in her late thirties. With caramel brown skin to match mine, a heart shaped face and a dazzling smile. Funny how she remain flawless despite her bad addiction. Her long straight black hair was pinned up out of her face. It's often she'd be mistaken for my older sister. She had the body of a twenty year old which gave her many gentlemen callers.

Although when they found out about her addiction it would quickly drive them away as quick as they came. That beauty had scars and many dark secrets. She bent down to my level in her red thigh length dress. "I'm adding a week darling" I ignored her and the Italian fool drooling behind her as they made their departure inside.

That was my queue to leave. No way would I listen to those old broads go at it through the walls. I called a friend of mine and had her come pick me up. "Yeah Voni, it's me! code sos" I said into the phone. "No worries, be there in five" I stood up walking to the curb waiting for my rescue.

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