|Admiring Parker|

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I straddled Parker's back as he laid there in bed asleep. I was supposed to be giving him a massage, but I guess he got a little too comfortable. I kissed the back of his neck. I couldn't help it. It was literally impossible to not touch him.

"Parker baby", I cooed into his ear. I kissed his check and nose lightly "Baby wake up" I groaned. He didn't move a inch his eyes closed arms wrapped around a pillow.

I climb off his back deciding to explore his room. It was the typical guys room with blue walls and matching blue & red curtains, sheets, comforter. A round huge blue bing bag in the right corner and a book self lined perfectly with books. Everything seemed in order except my shoes on the floor and leather jacket tossed across his desk chair.

Glancing back at Parker he still hadn't moved and I could hear his light snore. I wondered into his walk in closet where he had extended his wardrobe. With cargo shorts, plaid shorts, dress shirts and pants, ripped and regular jeans, a huge variety of graphic tees and hoodies. I snagged a yellow hoodie off the coat hanger slinging it over my head.

The hoodie smelled of him it had the number 3 on it. I draped it over my body stopping about mid thigh length. I've never seen him wear this one before. I looked in the mirror and it had his last name on the back. I assumed it was some kind of sports hoodie.

I put it to my nose closing my eyes breathing in deeply I'm such a creep. The girlfriend who wears her boyfriends stuff while he naps. The hoodie was warm and comfy. I walked out of the closet sitting at the foot of the bed.

Taking my phone out I snapped a picture of Parker while he was asleep saving it as my lock screen. I wanted to be reminded of how gentle and peaceful he is. He's the calm in my storm I call everyday life. I've literally past the level creep and is now boredline psycho.

I climb higher into the bed slipping beside his body warm. I ran my fingers through his hair. I admired and memorized every small freckle on his face. His dark lashes and soft pink lips. I noticed his glasses case on the night stand. I grabbed it opening the case maybe it was a mistake changing Parker.

I put the case back in it's place sighing Parker's arm snaked around my waist and he pulled me closer. "Nap with me beautiful" his eyes were closed and I wished he'd open them. I stayed silent watching his beautiful face "I know you're staring at me stalker"

"I'm not" I smiled from ear to ear. His eyes finally opened he smiled "Good morning beautiful" I chuckled.

"It's not morning, but I wouldn't mind waking up to see you handsome" he pressed a quick kiss on my lips before hugging me closer if that's even possible. I let my body relax as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

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