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I ran downstairs into the kitchen. I stopped when I heard two familiar voices. "I can't Katherine I just don't know what to do", I heard Elliot's mother say.

"You have to do what you thinks best for her Nora. I'm sure in the long run she'll understand the decisions you made were for the best" My mother said reassuringly.

Are they talking about Elliot there isn't anyone else they could possibly be talking about. "I know, she's going to resentment even more than she already does" he mother said sadly.

"Everything going to be fine Nora just tell her as soon as you can"

"Yeah your right, her fathers coming soon I have to tell her before he comes"

I quietly jogged but upstairs I had no idea what they were talking about, but I knew it wasn't good for Elliot either way. My phone started ringing in my bed I grabbed it pressing it to my ear.


"Parker it's me dude wanna come over and play the new call of duty! I got it for fifty bucks can you believe that", he screamed into the phone.

I did need to get out of the house since Elliot was busy with applying for college and everything. "Yeah man, I'll be over in five" I hung up grabbing my car keys and hoodie.

The drive there was short and I still couldn't figure out what Elliot and my mother was talking about. I also felt kind of guilty that I was snooping on my mother and her friends conversation.

"Yeah! Man I won three times in a row with thirty eight kills" I bragged. Neal tossed down the controller angrily "You cheated man ! that's the only reason you won."

"Boys I have pizza!" His mother called from the kitchen Neal and I ran downstairs. He pushed me into the wall "Piece of shit" I laughed. "You're just mad because I whipped your ass" I grinned taking a bite of my pizza.

He grumbled something under his breath my phone started ringing in my pocket. "Who's that, Elliot?" I checked the screen. "Yeah it is" I answered it.

"Hey baby" I said putting the phone to my ear. Neal mimicked me making kisses face while I talked. I gave him the finger,"Yeah I'm at Neal's what's up"

Neal continued to be a child and do stupid stuff while I was on the phone. I glared at him "Dude that's not funny." He laughed smacking the back of my head before running upstairs.

"Yes I'm listening I promise", I said to Elliot as she complained that I wasn't listening.

"No! Don't hang up", I pleaded.

"It's just Neal being childish", I groaned rubbing my hand over my face.

"I'll come over just for a minute it's late" she happily hung up the phone and I went upstairs to inform Neal of my departure.

"Dude you're leaving me for Elliot what the fuck" he whined. I sighed,"It's getting late anyways." I grabbed my keys leaving making my way across town to Elliot's place.

I got out the car knocking on the door she opened it wearing nothing but a see through tank top and really short shorts.  "Elliot where're your clothes" she grabbed my hand pulling me inside.

"I was going to get in the shower, but I had to ask you something", she said sitting on her bed. I took off my hoodie setting my keys on her dresser. Her backside looked ravishing in those shorts. 

"I didn't want to shower without you" she whispered. I pulled her tank top over her head crashing my lips into hers. She groaned against my lips tugging at my belt.

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