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Elliot walked through the halls stares always were just something she had to live with. Opening her locker she shoved her bag inside walking down the hall.

She stopped when spotting the boy who dared to sit in her spot under the oak tree. He sat in the library towards the back alone face jammed in a book. Rolling her eyes she opened the door walking inside directly to him. He gasped when he saw her as she took a seat in front of him.


"Parker, Right?" He nodded slowly looking as if he'd seen a ghost. Studying him he was actually cute without the glasses and nerdy clothes.

"What a-are you doing in h-here" he asked straightening his posture. His very being irked my nerve fucking nerds. "No reason" I shrugged.

He simply nodded returning his attention back to his book,"Do you have a girlfriend Parker?" He jumped at my question his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

"N-no what makes y-you ask that?" He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose licking his lips. This boy would die if a leaf landed on him or was it just me.

"Your sexy in a nerdy kind of way I doubt any girls would notice. Hidden behind those glasses and clothes no one would." He look down at himself,"W-what's wrong with my clothes?"

Pursing my lips,"Everything is wrong with your clothes, your so uptight." Leaning over I gently took his glasses off his face. He turned red I laughed aloud earning a stern look from the librarian.

"Woah, Parker your hot!" he blushed shifting nervously in his seat.


I was stunned when I saw her walking over to the table. After our encounter yesterday I hardly think she would even remember my name. Let alone think I was hot.

Elliot was beautiful despite her bad reputation. Her hair was in deep full curls falling over bare shoulders. "So you have no girlfriend and is sexy as hell" she eyed me slowly. I gulped nodding afraid my voice would crack.

"Well let me let you in on a secret, your my new boyfriend now" I almost pissed myself. "Huh y-your going to go out with me!", she must've been on something. She laughed showcasing her beautiful white teeth.

"Meet me at this address tomorrow after school" I watched as she scribble an address down on a piece of paper sliding it to me with that she got up and left. I stared at the piece of paper in front of me. I couldn't believe it Elliot Reed the bad girl and thief just declared that I was her boyfriend.

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