|Family Matters II|

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Parker left and I was stuck alone to deal with this bullshit. More stress, more cigarettes I just started to quit when Parker and I started dating. My father wasn't pleased with seeing us so close. He acts like I was butt ass naked I had on a sports bra. Then he goes on a rant about me having sex. The last thing I wanna do is get pregnant, I'm not stupid I'm on the pill. He would know that if he bothered to be in my life more but fuck it.

I went downstairs meeting the two people who were fucking up my life. "Elliot, there's a reason why I'm sending you away for college with your father" I crossed my arms glaring at her as she stared at me with pleading eyes.

I stayed quiet letting her talk while I listened like Parker told me. "We're broke, all the money is gone! You're college fund gone everything's gone. I'm selling the house, and moving to Arizona with your grandmother" her eyes were watery.

"How in the fuck! We had almost 3 billion dollars what did you do with it all" I stammered. My father just stood there unfazed at all, like he knew it was going to happen all along. "I had to pay back some debt I owed for my addictions. I used you're college fund up a year ago thinking I could replace it by now, but I can't. I got fired five months ago, and I've been borrowing money from your grandmother."

My father chimed in "So we came up with the solution that if you came with me, I'd pay for college and you'd be taken care of with no worries." It was all way too fucking much for me to take in "I don't wanna leave Parker" I whispered.

"That boy is not your priority, college is Elliot!" he said sternly his jaw clicking in anger. "He's helped me and he loves me I know our circumstances, but I can't leave him" I cried.

"Enough! you'll leave with me in a few days. Kelsey is going to need help with the new baby soon. So when I'm away you'll be there" he said calmly. My mothers eyes widened "She's pregnant!"

My father tensed turning his gaze to my mother, "Yes I've been meaning to tell you two but-"

"Is that why you didn't come to see me off to prom, because that bitch is pregnant" I screamed. "I'm your only daughter and you didn't even take care of me ! Now you're having another kid" I said staring him long and hard in the face.

My mothers facade was gone, she looked truly broken inside and out "You told me that she didn't mean anything to you, but you married her and now she's pregnant" tears were streaming down her face.

"You kissed me and told me you'd fixed everything" she stared into space letting the tears fall. They kissed? "Nora, I'm sorry" he reached for her and she pulled away.

"Don't be, I'm happy for the both of you" she wiped her tears and her facade was back on. "The movers will be here Monday have your things packed, and out of here by then Elliot" she said straightening her back and walking down the hall.

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I think this was my favorite chapter the drama is extra live tonight !

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