|Dinner I|

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"Mom do I look okay?" I smiled gesturing to my spiffy new suit. "Oh honey you look so handsome!" She squeezed my cheeks "My baby boy's all grown up." She sniffled "You only have a few more months and your off to college." I pulled her small frame into a hug, "I'll visit on the holidays mom and send millions of postcards."

She chuckled, "You remind me so much of your father." I smiled "Thanks mom you look beautiful tonight" I kissed her cheek. "Shall we" she nodded as we walked out the front door. I was surprised that she actually let me drive. We arrived outside of Elliot's house. My mother ring the doorbell and we waited.

A woman opened the front door she smiled. She looked exactly like Elliot I assumed it was her mother but she could most definitely be easily mistaken for her sister. They both had the same brown eyes, caramel skin, and soft features. "Woah" The only difference between the two was she looked slightly older. "Hi I'm so happy to finally meet you both come in, come in" she exclaimed holding the door open for us. We stepped inside I searched around for any signs of Elliot.

"Eleonora Elliot's mother please call Nora. Gosh your so beautiful!" She pulled my mother into a hug. Okay Elliot's mom was way more friendly than Elliot. "Oh please your just as gorgeous" They both laughed. "I'm Katherine Parker's mom" she gestured to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you and be welcomed into your lovely home." I zoned out when they stared talking about house decorating shows.

I smiled as her mother turned to greet me "And you must be Parker it's wonderful to meet you."

"Elliot most certainly didn't mention how handsome you are Parker!" I blushed. "Thank you Mrs. Reed it's nice to finally meet you." She gushed "Such a gentlemen I'm starting to love you both already but please my maiden name is Smith."

"Mom are they here yet?" I heard Elliot's voice come from upstairs. She smirked when she saw me then turned her attention to my mother. "Mrs. Vince it's so great to see you again!" She gave my mother a hug leaving me out. I took in Elliot's appearance she wore a simple black dress with a silver locket hung around her neck, her hair in a bun. "Stunning" I said to myself.

"Elliot your such a lovely girl and so sweet!" I scoffed the girl slapped me. She shot me glare then called over her shoulder. "Hey dad their here!" A tall lightskin man with a big build walked out the living area in a blue dress shirt and grey slacks. His presence screamed fear me. His hand reached for my mother's "Hi nice to meet you I'm Eli, Elliot's farther." He said in a thick Spanish accent. I had no idea her father was Spanish.

"Katherine, Parker's mom pleasure to meet you" she smiled. "Parker! nice to meet you son" he shook my hand firmly. "N-nice to meet you Mr. Reed sir" I stuttered. He chuckled "Food smells delicious is everyone ready to eat."

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