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"I should kick your fucking ass Vince!" I screamed. The slapped I landed to his face made me feel a little better. Kicking that bitch ass you can say helped too. He held his stinging red cheek staring at me in disbelief. To be honest I was just as shock as he was that I slapped him. I was just so angry that he would do this to me. It was like I lashed out for a moment. I paced trying to calm myself down what I needed was a good smoke.

"You asked that bitch on a date Vince is that what we do now! Huh" I screamed at him. He flinched then straightened his stance. "It shouldn't matter to you ! You're out here with other guys doing god knows what! How do think that makes me feel Elliot!" He yelled back. This is like the wrong time to be turned on but damn was Parker sexy when he was angry. I stared at him lustfully he was still beyond pissed all I wanted to do was kiss him until all the air left his body.

"Fuck your sexy Vince" I said angrily more at myself and my woman parts for being so turned on. "What!?" he said confused staring at me like I was a mad person. I simply walked away before I did something I would deeply regret. It still pissed me off that he asked that bitch out but that's done with. He grabbed my arm stopping me in my tracks,"Where are you going? Why do you keep walking out on me!" I groaned staring at his lips,"Fuck!! Your not making this easy on me Vince."

"Wha- what am I not making easy on you please talk to me" he pleaded. I ran my fingers through my curls tossing my head back,"Please let me leave before I fuck you, okay" His eyes went wide I wanted to laugh at the innocence he still held. There's no doubt that my sweet Vincey boy was still a virgin. He looked all of a sudden more uncomfortable than usual. Nodding he walked away at a quick pace in the opposite direction. I laughed my ass off when I got in my car then went home. Later that day the school called informing my mother on my altercation in the hall.

To bad she wasn't on drugs at the time and answered the phone. I got a huge speech and a good cursing out. She took my car keys, credit cards, phone and any other electronics I had. I was on so called punishment. That didn't stop me from sneaking out my window and going over to Parker's house for our movie date. I had no idea when it started but would soon find out when I got there.

Opening the window I put my leg over looking back at the door. It's not like I haven't snuck out before but it's been awhile. Pushing off the wall I landed on the ground on my knees. Now how in hell was I going to get back up there is a entire different story. I started on my way to Parker's which had to be way across town.

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