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The next day everyone buzzed with the drama involving the fight that happened yesterday. Parker walked through the halls invisible to his peers as always. Standing at his locker he heard a group of girls talking.

"Did you hear, she slept with another girl's boyfriend!"

"No, I heard she slept with the guy and set his car on fire!"

Parker had had enough with the fibs and ridiculous rumors. He walked down the hall avoiding any jocks in red leather men jackets and prissy cheerleaders at all cost. They were the main ones to tease him about his high rank in academics. Walking to the back of the school he sat on a empty bench under a oak tree.


God that girl's a lunatic and everyone's talking about her. Every since freshmen year she's been hell to the school. Bullying kids and even teachers. The story is she told off Ms. Freeman so bad that she ran out the class crying. I doubt that even happened. I was sick of high school and it's labels and social statuses.

I heard a snap of a twig behind me and turned around. My heart stopped when she stared back at me square in the face. She leaned casually against the trunk of the tree. I gulped trying to find my voice,"W-what are you doing out here?"

She smirked the cigarette between her full pink lips made her even more intimidating. I watched her closely as she stamped out her cigarette underneath her dirty yellow converses.

"Who's asking?" Elliot's smirk turned into a sly grin.


I had a long day yesterday and figured I'd get a smoke and relax at my usual spot skipping class. The scratch on my cheek still stung from that bitch who wanted to get pissy over a dick anyone can ride.

After her cheap shot at my face I made sure the first punch hit her nose. If I wanted the whore of a guy I could have easily had him. Nothing hard to take from a barbie slut like her. Sad I didn't even know her name. Putting out my cigarette I averted my attention back to the boy who sat in my spot.

He had black rimmed glasses and dark brown eyes. His peachy white skin pale and luscious pink lips that he licked nervously. I took in his uneasy demeanor as his hands shook. A smirk grew on my face slowly turning into a grin. The red on his face and ears gave him away completely.

"Who's asking" slightly amused I knew I made him extremely uncomfortable. The kid was like a chihuahua about to piss itself.

"Me, P-Parker Vince" he stuttered. I rolled my eyes. Another nervous ass nerd's head to shove in the toilet. Although his name seemed important like I've heard it somewhere before.

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