Adopted or Kidnapped~One~

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Note from November 2015 me :) I wrote this book two years back and I absolutely loved writing this book. Just to warn you guys this was like a huge deal for me since I hit around 13k. There are some spelling corrections and this is not up to my high standards.  I would like to thank ya'll for making me carry on this book but this it started to get less votes and I thought people didn't liked it, so I stopped. I love you guys so much :*

Written on 9 June 2013

PICTURE OFJESSIBELLA ON SIDE (looks like India Eisley)



The brunette girl asked, whine who was named Chloe. She was only a 5 year old girl who's parents died. Her mother died of a terrible disease and her father killed himself, suicide, because of her mother.

"Yes?" I asked, while she was playing with my brown hair.

"Will I get adopted?" Her green eyes twinkling and her brunette hair flowing on her back.

"Of, course you will, a happy family would love to take you," I sighed as I pulled a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"How about you?" She asked, looking at me trying to find my eyes.

"I don't know, Clo," I explained, not making any eye-contact with her.

"Girls, c'mon," I heard a knock at the door, must be Lily.

"Yeah, we'll be coming," I said.

"You ready?" I asked, Chloe.


I grabbed her hand and got off my bed. We made our way downstairs, seeing many parents.

"Go, to your group," I whispered to her. She nodded and ran to her friends.

You might think: who don't I have any friends my own age? Well, I do, but they're boys.

"Hi Jay," I said giving him a hug.

"Hey Jessibella," he said hugging back.

Jay is my best friend. He's always there to keep me company. He's like a brother to me. He's got dark brunette hair which goes up into a little quiff. He's get these really nice ocean eyes to match it and freckles plodded everywhere. Whenever I'm bored, I grab his arm and a pen and start to play dot-to-dot.

"You excited?" He asked.

"Not really, no one would pick me," I replied.

"Who wouldn't pick a pretty girl like you?" He said pinching my cheek.

"Oh, shut up," I said swatting his hand away.

"Jessi! Jessi!" I heard a girl scream. It was Chloe, "oh, sorry, I thought you were alone," she said as she giggled.

She was talking about me and Jay. She thinks we should date. But NAH, it's not gonna happen.

"Oh, it's okay, so what do you want?" I said, nicely.

"I'm going to get adopted!" She squealed.

"Yay!" I cheered.

"Look, by that family," she said as she pointed to a family. There was a woman and a man, with a teenager boy. His blue eyes eyes were starring at me as his hand ran through his soft blonde hair. He waved to me as I waved back.

"Ooh, you like my new brother, ay," she winked.

"Chloe, I just saw him, just waving is a friendly thing," I explained.

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