~Chapter 4-The crippled flower~

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-

I leaned against the rock wall, watching the waterfall that seemed to fade away into thin air. Rocks fell as the water slid down the cliff. I take a few steps back, shifting my foot around to get a good firm stance.

"Its just a couple of rocks and a deep deep hole to seems to be bottomless. You've got this."

I take a deep breath before pushing off the ground and running at full speed across the water, dodging rocks and keeping my feet from slipping out from under me. Once on the other side, I do a little fist pump and kick my foot.

"Didn't die." I snicker, walking on my way.

Getting further into the waterfall land, I notice these blue-ish flowers. They were everywhere. I decided that it looked harmless and bend down to one to pick it.

"Its really pretty." I say, peering over the flower slightly.

I reach out to it's steam but something makes me pull my hand away.

"Its really pretty."

I stand up, backing away from the flower.

"I-it talks?!" My jaw drops.

Then again, I shouldn't be surprised. I am in a underground land where I've seen stuff you would never see up top. I narrow my eyes on the flower, walking right past it. I bend down to the next one and sigh quietly. I listen close, hearing a voice come from the small, yet beautiful flower.

(You hear a passing conversion)

"What do you wish for?"

I crawl over to the next flower, intrigued.

"If I tell you, will you promise not to laugh?"

I keep shifting from flower to flower.

"Of course."

"Well, one day, I want to be standing on top of this mountain we're under. I want to look up at the stars with my lover and kiss in the stars light."

(You hear laughter)

"Hey you said you wouldn't laugh!"

"I'm not laughing at you! I'm laughing because that's also what I want."

I smile, standing from the ground and staring down at the flower.

"That's also what I want." I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest.

I hear a small, cute gasp. I turn around a notice no one there. Maybe it's just imagination.

I uncross my arms and continue down the path of blue flowers and small voices filling the cave. The farther I walked, I noticed less and less flowers. I concerned me when I got to the end of my path that was blocked by one little flower that wasn't it's usual blue-ish color, no. It was a deathly green. Its pedals were wilting and chipping off. It hung over like it couldn't sit up right. I consciously step forward and bend down to it's height.

It said nothing. Not a single word.

I tap it slightly, but nothing happened. I hum, looking up to see my path blocked by a wall of solid rock with vines hanging over it. I blink a couple times before turning around to walk away, but something made me stop dead in my tracks.

"I iS wAtchIng yOu."

I snap my gaze to the flower, horrified and slightly nauseous.

"SOMEONE IS TRYING TO KILL ME ALREADY?!" I scream, sprinting away from the evil looking flower.

I run by all of the other flowers saying 'no' over and over. I wanted to be anywhere but here.
Without a second thought, I race by the waterfall and rocks in a hurry, not even concerned about falling.

After running for awhile, I finally see snow and my foot prints. I quicken my pace, wanting to feel safe in the little town called Snowdin. I see papyrus and Sans sitting on a houses door steps with unusual expressions.

"Guys!" I yell, almost tripping over all the snow as I ran.

The two quickly look over with concerned yet happy faces. They both stand, papyrus opening his mouth to say something.

"What's wrong, kid?" papyrus asks.

"What is the matter, human?" Sans asks quietly, which seemed unusual.

I leap into papyrus' arms and place my face into his chest.

The two seemed startled at my sudden movement. I cling onto his hoodie tight, breathing heavily from all the running. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Sans scowl and cross his arms, stomping his foot on the ground once. He seemed...


I ignore his temper and pull away, shaking slightly. Papyrus bends down, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" He asks, glancing back at Sans with a slight smirk.

I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I hug my arms close, tears threatening to spill. Sans walks over and pulls me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my waist. Even if I didn't know him as well as papyrus, I still wrap my arms around him in return, crying into his chest.

The only words I was able to choke out was something I thought I would never say.

"Someone is after me."

That made them both tense up and look absolutely furious.

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