Choice (C): The forgiving

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"I can't do this by myself."

"I've screwed up."

"They're all I have left!"



You cough, jerking yourself awake. The sudden awareness made you feel sick to your stomach. Everything was spinning, twisting, and tumbling. You couldn't focus on one thing for long before feeling sick again.

"You look pale, feeling okay?"

You put hands over your eyes, trying to block out the light. Sans just waited patiently, smiling to himself. After getting that nauseated feeling to go away, you uncover your eyes and scream.

All of your friends, underground family were brutally killed. Some cut into multiple pieces, and some in whole with a stab marks in their chest. Sans stood over Asgore, his face having a insane smile that cut you deep.

"H-how did you-"

"Find Asgore? I had a feeling he was in there. I needed everyone gone. Though, I can't find papyrus." He grumbles, not taking his eyes off you.

You choke back a sob, your heart hurting more than it ever has. You loved him, and he loved you. Yet, Sans couldn't see you loved him most.

"Bb, what have you done?"

"Princess, please don't be mad. I had to do it..."

You stand up and run over to him, tackling him into a hug. He seemed surprised you would even come near him.

"I'll still love you no matter what..." You mumble into his scarf, holding him closer.

You had this feeling in your gut that made you want to run up and hug him. You didn't even care about the blood getting on your clothes, Sans was more important.

You knew hugging him the best choice when you feel his body start to shake and heard crying. You didn't say anything.

"I-I've killed everyone haven't I?" He asks, sobbing in the process.

You pull back and take a good look at his face, eyes widening. He looked horrified, his eyes were not dark and insane looking but had the brightness they had the day you met him. It was like he had lost a part of himself.

You shake your head, making his eyes widen.

"Not everyone. You haven't kill me and papyrus yet." You chuckle sadly, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"Yeah, I'm still alive and kicking." You hear papyrus say behind you.

You spin around and smile sadly, papyrus looked terrified, but kept his cool. Sans walks over and pulls him into a hug, sobbing and crying onto his older brother.

While they did that, you bend down to Asgore's body. He was definitely not coming back... ever. You reach over and shut his open eyes, feeling upset with yourself.

"Maybe it was better if I had just stayed with you..." You place a hand over his chest.

"I-I'm sorry." You mumble, standing up and walking back to the brothers.

Sans was still crying, but giving a real smile. One you haven't seen in ages.

"I never thought one of your puns would make me feel better..." Sans laughs, wiping away some of his tears.

Papyrus holds up a finger, telling you guys to wait while he teleported away.

You look over at Sans and see him staring down at the snow. You smile softly, grabbing the sides of his face and kissing him deeply. It was short but passionate.

"I forgive you." You give a grin before he pulls you into a hug, a tight hug at that.

Before he could respond, papyrus comes back with some kind of dorky glasses. You laugh, pulling away from Sans. Sans sighs, looking back at the pile of bodies before looking down at the crimson colored snow with a small smile.

"I haven't lost everyone..."

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