~Chapter 37-Something isn't right~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You back away, your fingers hurting from the bitter cold. Your fingertips were a light blue and your lips were a light grey, but you couldn't focuse on your condition right now.

He just goes into insane laughter, looking right down at you.

"I'm not a monster, I'm just love sick..."

You just pull your knees up to your chest, crying like no tomorrow, which was probably true for you.

"H-how could you do this for me? Now I-I feel like-"

You're cut off by him wrapping his warm, blood soaked body around you, pulling you in a hug. You freeze, eyes wide with fear and body trembling.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. After all, I did all of this for you." He turns your head, running his thumb over your cheek.

You clamp up when you feel a warm liquid touch your cheek. You reach up and touch the wet spot, looking down at your hand and crying. Blood.

He only chuckles, kissing your cheek.

"I-I'm terrified, S-sans..."


You get waken up by papyrus shaking you.

"Hey, you were crying, are you okay?" He asks, setting a hand on your shoulder.

You stare at him for the longest time before tears fill your eyes and you pull him down for a hug.
"It was awful."

He seemed confused. Like, severely confused, but hugged back anyway.

"It was just a dream, kiddo. I'm sure whatever you saw was nothing to worry about." He tries go comfort you, but that only gets you thinking.

That's two dreams you've had of Sans covered in blood, laughing insanly, and coming after you. There was always a body behind him but you could never make it out. It's like you could see the future or something that might happen later in life.

But it doesn't all add up.

Or does it?

Put the puzzle pieces together.

There's been two deaths you know of so far. Napstabot, the flirty robot, and Alphys, the mean lady that tried to kill you once. What did the two have in common? Sans didn't like either of them. Plus those dreams of Sans covered from head to toe in blood?

You just have to fit all the pieces together before its too late.

"Hey," papyrus waves his hand in front of your face, catching your attention.

You blink, the wheels turning in your head. Papyrus seemed to sense your stress. That made him uncomfortable.

"Papyrus, these dreams are confusing me..." You shake your head, tugging at your hair.

"What dreams-?"


You don't answer, but rub your eyes, thinking of the right words. You already knew what to say, but was just debating if it sounded stupid or not. But to find out, you have to just go and say it... right?

"I-... I feel like I have to escape."


You laugh sadly, knowing that what your thinking is completely stupid.

"I think my boyfriend is a murderer..."















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