~Chapter 41-Love triangle... or square?~

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-Sans' P.O.V-

I gulp, remembering how scary Error could actually be.

"I-I need your help..." I whisper, not wanting to be loud.

He tucks his hands inside his  hoodie pockets, his body twitching and glitching as he did so.

"H-hmm. WhY m-me?" He asks, tilting his head.

I tsk, letting go of the shy attitude.

"Let me go and we can chat."

He seemed surprised yet had a smug smile plastered to his face. The blue strings let go, shrinking back to Error's gold fingertips.


I shift around, fixing my scarf and gloves. He taps his foot impatiently, huffing and growling.

"There is this girl I met a while back," I start.

He starts to laugh, holding out his hand, telling me to stop.

"I'm nOt beIng y-yo-yoUr wIng man." He wipes away some of the blue tears, smuging some on his cheekbone in the prosses.

"No, we're already together. I just have monsters getting in my way. I've already got rid of a few, I need some help getting rid of others." I shrug like it's no big deal.

He coughs, staring at me with his one good eye.

"YOu h-hAve to be jOki-ng."

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

He hums, reaching over and grabbing the front of my shirt. I panic, closing my eyes and waiting for pain.

But nothing came.

I open my eyes to see him smiling in a insane way.

"I-I've tAughT yOu w-well. Y-yEah, I'll hE-lp."

I grab his hands and jerk away, making him let go of my shirt. I growl at him before heading over to my bed and pulling a picture out of my pillow case. I hold it up, placing it in Error's hand.

"That's what (Y/n) looks like."

In the picture, she was looking away shyly while papyrus and I stood on both sides of her, posing in the weirdest ways. She looked... happy.

Error just stares at the picture, not really saying anything. I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes. He sighs, handing the picture back with a faint blush.

I swip the picture back, almost crumbling it in my hand.

"Don't you even dare." I point.

He just chuckles, hanging his head slightly.

"MaYbe I-I wiLl." He mumbles, looking up at me with a annoying grin.

I turn around, grumbling things he couldn't hear while tucking the picture back under my pillow. He just chuckles, watching me closely.

"Alright," I crack my fingers, smiling evilly.

"L-leT's gEt t-to w-wo-wOrK."

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now