~Chapter 7-Hurting brings smiles~

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-Normal P.O.V-

Sans skipped around with papyrus as (Y/n) followed quietly behind them, staring down at the ground.

"Don't look look so glum, kid." papyrus looks over his shoulder at her.

She just sighs, looking up with a small fake smile. Was she excited about going to the devil flowers home? No, not at all.

Papyus gives her 'the look'. Sans was also looking back at her with a 'seriously' face. She throws her hands up in defence.

"What? You want me to act happy about going to the place where I found out I was being stalked?"

"Yes." They both reply, looking forward.

You point your finger, opening your mouth go say something, but end up groaning and crossing your arms.

"Come on, Hu- (Y/n)!" Sans looks back with sad puppy eyes.

"At least try to have some fun." He whines.

You give your best angry face, turning red from trying to hard. Papyrus busts out laughing.

"Kid, we can both see straight through you." He chuckles, crossing his arms.

You look down and back up.

"Uhm, I'm not a ghost." You flip your hair, setting your hands down on your hips in triumph.

Sans snorts, looking up to his older brother.

"You just got dunked on," he goes into a fit of giggles.

Papyrus had a scowl on his face as he turned around and continued to walk. You and Sans keep laughing on the way there. A feeling of dread came over you when seeing those blue-ish flowers.

"Alright, you got me here." You whisper, whipping around in a startled motion.

Sans couldn't help but pat your head, and papyrus smiles down at you. You scowl, placing one of your hands on both of their faces and pushing them away.

You sat next to a flower, staring up at the two. Sans, for some reason, holds out his finger to you, yanking papyrus away. You tilt your head, eyes wide open.

"You just left me here?!" You whisper yell.

No one replied so you started to shake out of fear. You wanted to yell out, but didn't want to attract attention to yourself either.

"I'm going to kill them." You pull your knees up to your chest.

Closing your eyes, you lean back onto the wall around you, blocking out everything. It was quiet for awhile. Nothing was heard around you, everything was blocked out completely.

Well, that was until something cold and hard touched your foot. Your eyes snap open to find an axe placed in from of your face.

"Sans... Papyrus..." Your tone gets loud, but not a full on yell.

Some kind of knight was holding this weapon to your face, which made you freak. The only think that was metal you could see was a yellow tail and dark orange eyes staring at you from behind the helmet. Your suddenly yanked off the ground by the front of your shirt and harshly slammed into the wall behind you. You struggle to breathe, choking on spit and lack of air. The axe gets lifted high in the air, ready to swing down and cut you in half.

"Alphys don't!" You hear sans yelp.

A dark chuckle was heard from under the helmet that this monster wore.

"Why? When I kill this human, we'll all be free."

"I don't want to be free if (Y/n) isn't there!" Sans yelled.

You couldn't see anything because of your vision going black and white dots jumping all over your sight.

Next thing you knew, you were dropping onto the ground while Alphys pointed her axe at Sans. Papyrus wasn't anywhere to be found at the moment. But one thing you knew, was don't get on Sans bad side. Once you got your sight back, you couldn't help but shrink away in fright.

Sans had a dark, murderous expression. One of his eyes glowed a dark blue while bones of white and light blue surrounded Alphys.

"S-Sans?" You break down, covering your face.

Apparently, he heard your faint cry and immediately all of his bones faded away. His expression went from insane to guilty and hurt. That gave Alphys a chance to get up and swing her axe at Sans.

You instantly lift your head when a loud crack and cry of pain was heard.

"You never told me there was another human down here!" Alphys seethes in anger at Sans who was now holding his arm that was broken.

You stand up, rushing over to Sans and blocking his with your body.

"Pfft, you're no friend like Sans said you were. You didn't deserve to know." You growl, bending down slowly to inspect Sans arm.
Alphys seemed a bit stunned at what came out of your mouth and the stone cold expression on your face.

You reach out, grabbing his arm carefully and frowning at the look of his broken arm. Glowing blue tears poured down his face and his eyes were no longer stars or hearts, but two X's took they're place.

"Now listen," You stand up, putting one of your fingers on Alphys chest and pushing her away.

"If you ever come near me, or Sans again, I will not hesitate to kill you." You threaten in a cold tone.

Never in your entire shy life, did you ever think of threatening someone. Sans stood while your were giving Alphys a mouth full and huffed in pain.

"L-let's go, (Y/n). I don't want to hurt anybody." He whispers, his voice cracking.

You turn around and nod, glaring at Alphys one more time before walking away with Sans.

Sans couldn't help but smile on the way back home. You give him a strange look.

"Why are you smiling?"

He only looks towards you with a loving gaze.

"I was able to protect you!"

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