~Chapter 36-Soft touches~

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Here. Have a cute picture relating to this chapter and some fluff to make you guys feel better from last chapter :3

-Normal P.O.V-

You pat Undyne's shoulder, her body shaking from all of the sobbing she had been doing.

"I loved her so much...!" She cries, hands over her eyes.

You pull her into a hug as she immediately hugs back. You felt upset for her. Just because you were scared of Alphys - that didn't mean she had to die.

"I know, it's okay. Everything will be okay..." You mumble, pulling from the hug and giving a small, sad smile.

"I know. I just miss her." She wipes away her tears, smiling back.


You sigh, sinking into your boyfriends warmth, forgetting all about the tears that were shed. He only tucks some of your hair away behind your ear, softly smiling down at you.

"Are you okay?" Sans asks.

You just crane your neck up and plant a soft kiss on his cheek.

"I'm just fine." You smile, faintly blushing.


"Why are we here again?" You ask, clinging to Sans and looking around cautiously.

He turns his head, smiling back at you.

"Because it's nice here, even if you don't like the flowers." He grins, a skip in his step.

You had to admit, the waterfalls were really nice. Everything seemed to sparkle off the crystal clear water, and the sound of rushing water echoed through the caves and small crevices. The ceiling was full of sparkling rocks and gems which made everything so much prettier.

Sans suddenly spins around, caressing both sides of your face and pressing his teeth to your lips. You were shocked at his romantic behavior. He was usually shy about that kind of stuff, but that didn't mean you didn't enjoy the kiss. When he breaks the short kiss, he places his forehead on yours and smiles.

"You know, your eyes look really pretty when they sparkle."

Your cheeks dust a dark red, your eyes wide with surprise.

"T-thank you, bb." You smile shyly, twisting your heel on the ground.

He only hums in approval, hugging you close like a stuffed animal.

"You're welcome, Princess!" He cooes, squealing at your shy expression.

"Why-... how are you so, ya know, not shy?" You twiddle with your fingers.

"I guess I'm just your other half. You're the shy cutie, and I, the loud greeter, is the opposite of you... or something like that!" He blinks, his eyes glitching from stars to hearts.

You smile warmly, reaching out your hand and placing it over one of his eyes. He turns blue, leaning onto your touch.

"When we get to the surface, you won't leave me will you?" He asks, looking quite distressed.

"Why would you ever think that?" You tilt your head, quite hurt.

"Because everyone else does..." He whispers.

You just run your thumb over the top of his eye, smiling at him.

"Well I won't."

He places his gloved hand over yours, looking up with his one uncovered eye and shyly smiles.

"Thanks, Princess..."

I want Her (Underswap!Sans x Shy!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now