~Chapter 10-Late night conversations~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You jerk awake, sweat pouring from your face. You eye the space around you, realizing it's the home you now live in. You curl into a little ball, holding your hands over your eyes. You suddenly sit up, slinging the blankets off your body and shuffling to the stairs. Climbing up, you couldn't help but feel watched. You go from walking up the stairs to running, which causes papyrus to open his door and stare at you in a odd way.

"What... are you doing?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.

You glance down the stairs, cupping a hand over your forehead and giving papyrus a thumbs up.

"Just..." You stare at the ground, not even thinking.

"Are you okay?" He asks, standing up completely straight.

"I-I'm fine." I mutter, grabbing Sans' door handle and walking inside.

Papyrus watches your tiny figure close the door. He looks off to the side, wondering if you were actually okay.

You let your eyes adjust to the darkness before stumbling over to Sans' bed. You look down at his sleeping form and smile. He looked adorable while asleep. You gently nudge his side, trying to wake him up without being forceful.

"Sans..." You whisper, tearing up slightly.

He groans a couple times before opening his eyes and sitting up, rubbing the edges of his eye sockets.

"(Y-y/n)? What are you doing up so late?" He asks, his sleeping voice making you blush the slightest.

You blush even more, wiping away the tears the threatened to fall.

"I had a nightmare."

He stares at you with a face of pity, scooting over and patting the spot next to him.

"You can sleep with me tonight." He smiles, his eyes closed from being so tired.

You crawl into the spot next to him, laying your head on his chest and cuddling as close as you could. Sans didn't mind at all, but simply wrapped his arms around you and layed his head against yours.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks in a chirpy tone.

You smile, knowing he could always make you feel better.

"I was fighting someone... or something? They kept saying their name was Temmie. I-I think it was a girl dog thing?" You stutter, biting your lip slightly.

Sans leans down and presses his teeth to your cheek, his face hidden in the dark.

"It's just a nightmare. I won't let away happen to you!" He giggles quietly.

"Thanks bb." You smile up at him, kissing his cheek in return.

"Bb?" He asks in a confused tone.
"That's my nickname for you. When you blush, you look like a blueberry." You touch your cheek, feeling the hot growing.

"I like it!" He hugs you tight like a little kid.

"What's my nickname?" You ask.

He gets quiet, humming smoothly.

"Can I call you princess?" He asks politely.

You laugh silently, thanking it was dark so he couldn't see your dark red blush.

"Of course."

He squeals in happiness, kicking his feet lightly. You suddenly hear someone bang on the wall in the next room.

"NO.BONEZONE!" Papyrus shouts.

You tilt your head slightly, confused at what was going on or what 'bonezone' meant.

Sans just seemed to tense up and almost throw himself off the bed.


I accidentally put chapter 9 again! XD


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