~Chapter 45-Don't stop, don't drop, and run~

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-Normal P.O.V-

You rub your eyes, grabbing onto your necklace and wandering upstairs, looking for Sans.

"Ouch!" You hear your necklace yell.

I look down, instantly smiling at seeing all of the other Sans in the gem.

"I haven't called you guys yet." You laugh quietly, trying to not wake papyrus.

You see sleepybones leap onto Ink and start banging on the top of his head. Everyone else were watching them fight.

"We were just worried." Geno sighs, not even paying attention to them.

"No fair! You got to kiss her and we didn't! I have a new name for you, fu-"

The necklace switches off for a second before switching back on. Geno was standing over the both of Ink and Sleepybones, gaster blasters surrounding them as well.

You let go of the the necklace and let it dangle. You step up to Sans' bedroom door. It was cracked open and he was sleeping peacefully on the bed. You knew everyone was watching since your necklace got quiet. He was curled into a little ball, blankets draped over the side of the bed where he's kicked them off. You shut his door, not really wanting to start something so late at night.

You yawn, almost tripping while going down the stairs. Your footsteps were the only noise in the house, which made you feel uneasy. You knew you couldn't stay in a house with Sans. So you decided it would be better to slip over and sleep at Muffet's. You walk out of the front door, ignoring the cold and need for a jacket. You close the door, hoping it wouldn't wake up papyrus, which was probably not going to happen.

"It doesn't feel right out here." You mumble, slipping your hands into your pockets.

"We don't know what it feels like." Dancey gives a grin.

You roll your eyes, walking through the deadly silent town. Every crunch the snow made seemed to echo everywhere. It was kind of nerve wracking. The light from the light poles were dim, blinking and flickering on and off. The little bugs and moths were no where to be seen and zero footprints were found in the snow, besides yours. Everybody's lights were off, telling you that they must be sleep. All except for Muffet, who's lights were still shining bright. You exhale some air, watching your breath become visible before walking into Muffet's and sighing at the sudden warmth. You stomp your feet, chipping off the snow before heading into the diner. You walk behind the bar and to the the door in the back, knocking on it to see if Muffet would answer.


You open it slowly, the creaking noise making you cringe. Once fully inside, you couldn't see a thing. All except a figure in the corner looming over something.

"(Y/n)..." Ink speaks up, his voice cutting in and out.

"S-so-o, you'Re (Y/n-n)."

You stop breathing, staying completely still.

"(Y/n)-..." Ink says a little more sternly, still, you ignore him.

The figure moves to the side, showing you the bloody mess he was standing over. There layed Muffet, her body limp and lifeless. Her arms had been ripped off and thrown who knows where. Her eyes were rolled in the back of her head and, clearly, she wasn't getting up again.

You cover your mouth, tears threatening to spill.

"(Y/n) get out of there!" Ink yells.

You snap, sharply turning around and sprinting out of the door. You hop over the counter, sliding over to the next side and hitting the ground, kicking off the wooden floor and dashing out of the blood soaked diner. You stop dead in your tracks when this guy was waiting outside for you, his smile forever scarred into your mind.

"What are you?!" You shout, backing away.

"I'm Error, but I'm sure skittles has already told you who I am." He laughs, his voice cracking and glitching through the sentence.

He holds up his hand, blue strings shooting towards you.

'Avoid the blue strings.' You think, leaping to the side.

You hear Ink tapping on the inside of the necklace trying to help you out. You didn't even realize blue strings had tied themselves around your ankle.

The top half of your body was falling to the ground while your bottom half was being lifted up, your head hitting the snow and dirt in the process.

"I-i c-ouLd've approached tHat difFerentlY." Error mumbles.

You dangle upside down, trying to keep yourself awake. Blood dripped from the back of your head and onto the pure white snow, staining in a crimson red.

"No- Error stop!" Ink screams, pounding on the necklace, trying to get out.

"Why did we let you go alone in the first place?!" He yells at himself, face twisted into anger and fear.

Error chuckles, ripping the necklace off your neck and dropping it in his pocket.

"No mOre h-hElp fr-Om t-them!" Error chirps.

Before your eyes close all the way, you see blueberry run up, looking furious.

"You weren't supposed to hurt her!"



Anyway, I might be ending the book soon. I dunno yet. Don't get your panties in a wad. I haven't decided yet.


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